Oh, this is going to end poorly, but she can't be bothered to care. She needed this, needed it more than food or air. This press of bodies, this desperation, this-- It's like, everyone is so distant. Every Azura is so distant, she corrects herself--plenty of servitors willing to touch and share, even if only incidentally. But for Azura, words and distance and formality and politics and-- She's openly weeping, hugging back, desperate to touch as many as she can, hug as many as she can. You can only call it love, right? Well. I mean, you could call it a lot of things. Family is actually probably a better word, now that she thinks of it. That intimacy, the easy touches, the-- Would it be weird to date one of them? Feels like it would be, with the power differential? Like, even if they put aside the relationships of Azura to servitor, it'd feel like it's taking advantage of the knight-soldier relationship? Hold that thought. Examine it later. Unpack it, look at it from weird angles. Right now, she has foxgirls to cuddle and reassure. She has a family to care for.