[quote]Personally I am leaning more towards the number 2 actually. But as far as his backstory is concerned, if my understanding is correct that his hometown is inside the land of Twilight, I realized that it will be a bit conflicted with the Land of Twilight's cataclysmic history that has already began since 1000 years ago.[/quote]
To be clear, the intent wasn't so much that I was deciding between one of the two as much as they were both part of the character. The mask would've been something he found during the ten year journey between the disappearance of his (former) kingdom's population and the start of the RP. If the mask part doesn't work out at all, though, it's not like it's so important to the concept that I can't get rid of it.

As for the second part, I probably should have elaborated more on it in the initial post, but what I was going for with the lost kingdom wasn't meant to be part of the Land of Twilight. Rather, a small, independent region, perhaps not even big enough to really call itself a kingdom; mountain range fortresses built atop plentiful mines, with forges, terraced farmland, etc. in the surrounding land for self-sufficiency and further fortifications to protect from hostile wilderness beyond its borders. All effectively pristine ruins after the population vanished.

Looking at the map in the initial post, somewhere within the mountain range in Dagorlad, the western mountains north of Azred and Ellenrin Village, or the mountains bordering the Blizzard Lands strike me as potential locations. At the most extreme the kingdom could have been on a separate continent (if those ports on the western coast can support such travel, rather than just being for ships sailing along the coast), with my character exhausting his options there and traveling to Varenheim to look into rumors he had heard of the Land of Twilight and the upcoming expedition to see if anything he can discover within could give a clue as to what befell his own homeland.

Of course, that's all just thoughts on my part, and I understand if none of that would work.

[quote]No? Then is that means he is an adventurer looking for job and his background is not yet made for the RP setting?[/quote]
Well, as it stands I suppose the background right now beyond his life in his homeland before almost everyone there vanished is just a decade of adventuring (at some point during which he may or may not have ended up with a cursed mask on his face) across the continent, trying to find anything that might give him some idea of why almost everyone in his homeland vanished. Running low on options after ten years with no results, he saw the announcement of the expedition into the Land of Twilight as a golden opportunity and took it.

The promise of riches is, of course, a welcome bonus.

[quote]I do have a suggestion that might fit perfectly with the setting and the proposed character's theme.
He, ten years ago was a Westernant knight in training specialized for clandestine ops. For their final training, they were tasked to delve into the land of Twilight and must return with a proof that they have reached Nuria. It ended with a disaster in which only your knight and  some of his friends that made it out alive.

Fast forward to the present day, he joined the group not only because it pays handsomely, but also to honor his fallen comrades and finished the task they failed to accomplish ten years ago.[/quote]
If none of what I've suggested ends up working out, I think I can work with this, yeah.