[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie's blue cloak whirled as she twirled with her parries, ducks and dodges, giving ground with every attack from the wraith and cultist. The speed and agility on display may have looked pretty, but her face was frozen in wide-eyed fear, he breathing erratic as she tried to follow the steel/ghost blades of her enemies. How long she could keep this up was unknown, but she was not optimistic. After catching the cultist's overhand strike on her dagger, the ghost sword slashed her waist causing her to cry out and crumble under the weight of the cultist sword, which in turn slashed her dagger-arm as she was forced to retreat with her wounds. Back-pedalling frantically in pain, she watched her enemies chase her down. Her back hit the flat wood of a bookshelf's end, then she ducked just in time to avoid being beheaded. The whole time she'd been holding her crossbow in one hand - the chamber empty - no time to reload. She just couldn't get away from her foes for long enough. And then things went from bad to worse. She spotted the bright flames of conjured fire in the corner of her eye, and looked to see yet another wizard about to point his wand her way. Suddenly the pain of her lacerations was the least of her worries, all but ignored as she sprinted for cover, baseball sliding under a table and flipping it to use the tabletop as a shield. The stream of fire hit the table and MacKensie could feel the heat from the other side, even seeing the flames dancing as the fire stream continued to blast against the table like water from a hose, spreading into a wall of flames that she could see above her. [Colour=Pink][i]He is going to smoke me out of hiding![/i][/colour] She had to do something. And she did. Without thinking, she ignited flames of her own. Source magic flowed through her arms, little flames dancing down her hands as she activated her [i]Deadly Flurry[/i]. Then she got up and jumped over the table, through the wall of flames to take her enemies by surprise, a fist full of bolts in one hand, held over her crossbow. [Colour=Pink][i]Jai vous![/i][/colour] She fired off all the bolts like a machine gun. Before MacKensie had even landed, the cultist with the sword was hit a bunch of times, and her crossbow sights swept left to try and take some revenge on the fire mage too before her attack ended... She landed and drew her dagger once more, ready to press any advantage she might have from her suicidal counter-attack, but she only saw the wraith, who had carefully avoided the fire and now moved towards her. And there was also... [Colour=Pink]"Wha-?"[/colour] MacKensie dove to one side to avoid a pair of crackling black thunderbolts came zooming at her. Flowing into a roll to smoothly get back to her feet, she looked over her shoulder to see the two bolts hit the wall and explode. She had no idea where they'd come from, but tried to remain alert as she turned her attention back to the approaching wraith. Blood stained her torn tunic at the waist and on her sleeve, pain glowing beneath. But her determination glowed brighter.