It seemed this new natural energy beam - or what Eric might call a “Kamehameha” - was effective, judging by how the Wraith proceeded to run into a suit of armor. Not the kill Adam was hoping for, but it was good enough. However, the dark bolts heading his way? Not good. At least thinking of his brother had brought to mind something else that would be relevant right now. Seeing as Barracker's barrier was still there and these blasts were homing in on him, the Druid waited until the last second, then jumped behind the magical shield, letting it take the hit instead of himself.  Whatever game he had done that in, Eric's example probably saved his brother's life at that moment.  [i]What now, what now…[/i] The field of battle was truly chaotic, with everyone in what seemed to be life-or-death situations. As he saw his team bravely battle, Adam was determined to do the same. Not hand-to-hand like most of the others, but the Druid saw where the two injured wraiths had gone and hoped he could stop them from inflicting any more damage. Moving a group of heavy-looking bookshelves, he positioned them so they would be above the possessed suits of armor and the mage they were surrounding. Then, after being sure that Zell and Sil were out of the way, the red-eyed man repeatedly slammed the enemies with the furniture like a hammer pounding a nail.