[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] It worked! It fucking worked! Oh good lord was that close, and thank whoever was listening that Kass was as fast as he was, for a moment he thought he was toast. Thought, considering the situation he might still be. There were 2 bolts of magic that didn't seem very friendly heading for each member, sadly he couldn't get rid of all of them. Just the ones heading for him and Kass. The beams of light shot in quick succession, the first one was lucky to grab two but the others were far apart so he needed to use one for each. That done he left the arm fall limp to his side "Thanks for the save Kass, but there is no time, the others need your help, go, me and Adam have things under control here" He patted the man on the shoulder. Then he stumbled his way to Adam's position, all that movement was not doing him any favors but he had a duty to fulfill. As soon as he was within arms reach he fell to his knees, then maneuvered so he was sitting behind the barrier that was protecting the other man. Judging by the way he was moving and the enthusiasm behind the motion the guy was really getting into it. Reaching a hand he brushed it against the Druid's leg and incanted one of his new spells [i]Lesser Restore[/i], as the name suggested it wasn't the greatest spell but for injuries like the ones they had? It was a literal lifesaver. Instantly he could see the cut on the man grow less and less pronounced until only unblemished skin was left instead. His hand retracted and held his own injury, he had another [i]Lesser Restore[/i] for the day... but they still needed to truck ahead and this spell could be the difference between one of his party members surviving. With pain he directed his other hand to his pack, retrieving his medical supplies. "Hey Adam, keep me safe for a sec will ya?" Without waiting for a response he started the process of putting himself back together, he would use a [i]Increased healing speed[/i] at the end but he still had to reach that point. This was going to suck.