[@Mas Bagus] Here is my character, i hope i included enough and it all makes sense. If any of it needs to change, i'd be happy to fix it.
[Hider=CS]Name: Kokia
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22

appearance: Deep red hair and large black eyes, many consider her face rather pretty. Wears a long leather coat and tall boots. Prefers to wear a black hat with a long blue scarf. [Hider][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1131490527141969992/1200195056192204941/koko1.png?ex=65c54bbf&is=65b2d6bf&hm=9fd9c87fd9ed148293cd920eca7702d04f18d8abffaee837d7d3046be33ea050&[/img]
[s]the art is mine[/s][/Hider]


-Passive. An amulet that completely changes her appearance into another person. She's reluctant to use to as she believes it may be haunted and it creeps her out.
-Passive? A pair of earrings that grant her perfect night vision. Using their ability for too long makes her tired. Usually takes an hour or so for any exhaustion to be noticeable.
-Active. A pair of bracelets that wrap her hands in flames. The flames do not harm the user but it does drain her energy rather quickly.
-Active. A ring that can teleport her up to 50 feet in any direction. Can quickly exhaust her if used too many times in a row.

Mundane abilities:

-Has a large amount of knowledge on artifacts
-Relatively decent thief even without her artifacts
-Wit, A quick and clever thinker.

As a young child with no formal schooling, Kokia spent a large amount of time in the library with a particular interest in artifacts. She spent many hours of each day gathering the knowledge she grew to crave. One day a travelling trading came into their small town with an item of interest to her. With the help of a few friends, she committed her first theft and things only escalated from there. She hunts down and collects any and all artifacts she can get her hands on. Some she tracked down and uncovered on her own, many she has stolen, but all for the sake of knowledge by the end of the day, kinda. Now she is interested in Twilight and all the mystical treasures that may be hidden within, eager to add to her collection, but also perhaps to find materials for 'the ultimate weapon' she's been attempting to create. Though, the project is still in its very early stages.

-Her artifacts, the amulet, earrings, bracelets and ring.
-A satchel containing a journal and survival goods such as rations and water.
-A dagger she doesn't know how to properly use for combat
-Long leather coat with empty pockets.[/Hider]

GM's still asleep I believe, but it looks fine on my end. Just a side note: she can have 4 actives, so there's the option to make two more artifacts if you want to.

Oh, do join the discord server please.