[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] The momentum from the running jump. The force generated from the spin. All compensation for his lack of ability to properly swing his sword. Sure, Zell Brooks might have done it for the sake of flair anyhow (he was certainly the type,) and there [i]were[/i] techniques and tactics that warranted such stylish manoeuvres, but in this instance it was because that bastard wraith had really done a number on Zell's right shoulder and he could barely use it. So when the swordsman's blade hit the magical ward of the wizard, the reverberation caused him to drop his sword. Luckily, the wizard had gone flying too. "Aw fuck," Zell hissed in pain, holding his shoulder and trying to roll it to loosen it up. He moved to retrieve his sword, but slowed to put eyes on the two wraiths who'd entered proximity. He watched the ghostly creatures enter the suits of armour, his expression turning to one of exasperation as said-suits started moving. "Really? That's what were doing now?" He scooped the tip of his boot under the blade of his sword, then flicked it up to catch it by the hilt. Left hand this time. His right arm was done. "Alright you twats, let have ye then. You're not the first tin cans I've danced with." And dance they did. Zell figured that Sil's talons would be useless against these new enemies, so he was on his own. Hopefully the fiesty falcon would keep the wizard occupied while he was busy. In order to successfully take on the two animated statues with his weaker left arm, he circled the first one of them to engage him, making sure to keep this opponent in between himself and the second statue. This would make the action a one-v-one affair. If statues could feel frustration, it would've been funny, but it seemed they weren't intelligent enough to have such feelings. And luckily, they weren't intelligent enough to overcome Zell's tactics either. Zell focused the angle of his blade to parry and riposte targeting the wrist and forearm of his opponent. The enchanted black katana wasn't really a sword made for fencing but Zell felt that disarming the statue was his best strategy if he wanted to keep his movements quick and short, controlling his positioning. He eventually circled close to the wizard who'd cooked up a nasty sounding spell and blasted it into the air, and the swordsman made a cheeky swing at the wand-wielders head, hoping to get a quick kill. And then the results of the wizard's magic came to light in the form of two black bolts that came bending into view and soared straight for the Englishman. "Whoa!" Zell managed to turn and tilt his torso in time to weave the magic missiles, then counterattack the statue whilst off-balance, finally breaking the seams of suit's wrist and disarming his opponent. "Literally disarmed!" Zell quipped with a teethy grin as the statue's sword clattered on the ground with hand still gripping the hilt. The weaponless statue lunged forward and tried to grab Zell, but the swordsman was too quick for it, ducked under it's arms and went past it to engage the second statue. This was a much quicker enchange as he blocked an attack, then brought his blade around to strike the back of his opponents leg, bringing it down to one knee. It was about this time that Zell saw the giant bookcases moving by themselves, coming closer, and he looked behind him to confirm that it was Adam who was controlling them from across the room. Zell was smart enough to get the hell out of the way! He only heard the loud crashes of the bookcases repeatedly smashing the enemy to bits. He didn't even get a chance to see if the wizard had been caught up in the crushing attack, because Zell's attention had been taken by the two dark bolts that had widely turned themselves around and were heading back towards him. He started running, initially towards the wall across the room so he could force the bolts to hit a surface and hopefully get rid of them, but then he had a better idea. "Hey! Remember me!?" he yelled at the wraith roaming about the room. He had no way of knowing if this was the wraith who'd ambushed him earlier, but he just-so happened to be right. "Got a present for ya!" The wraith took the bait, of course. It floated to meet the running swordsman. Zell dove head first at the wraith, then twisted his body to.................... -He disappeared with flash of grey light, leaving the two bolts to hit the wraith, one at a time- ................land perfectly, backwards onto the nearby sofa. As the wraith died and burned up into nothingness, Zell put his sword down next to him and put his hand behind his head to relax for a moment and enjoy his victory.