"Just hold on a minute!" A gruff voice growled, his voice rising above the whispers of the crowd. Out of the rough phalanx of town guard, a burly man in the only (relatively) well-made tabard stepped forward. His mustache was thick like his chest, and his eyes were small but fierce as they gazed at us, the veritable refugees. His eyes scanned Camilla, and unlike his men, he didn't oggle, merely looked suspiciously, before they moved to myself and dare I say, he seemed even less enthused to see me. I couldn't imagine why, I might not have my robes on me, but I did not carry a weapon save for the symbol of my office on the staff. He leveled his gaze. "Who are you and where do you come from?" This seemed like an interrogation, and a very real means of keeping my lover and myself out of the village. Luckily I was used to such aggressive behavior. "Why," I chuckled amicably, placing a hand on my chest and giving my most handsome smile. "I am but a humble priest of our lord Sigmar, coming to heal the sick and feed the poor. I have heard tell of how many of the afflicted live in this verdant land, and it shocked me to my very core. I, and my lovely assistant, have traveled many miles to grant absolution and blessings to your modest township." "Gustav, we should let them in," one of the men said. "Oh, and let a potential spy from Bradolf walk into our streets?" The lieutenant said. I cordoned off the information, but kept myself in 'character', holding up my free hand and closing my eyes, concentrating. The large soldier looked back our way. "What are you doing?" "I sense a presence a... a daemon..." I said breathlessly. Gasps erupted from the crowd, and though a few looked disbelieving, the potential of the prospect settled on their minds. Gustav tried to hide his stress with fury. He began to deny it, but I simply opened my eyes and strode past him with a purpose, my hand in the air, acting as a probe. He went and grabbed for my shoulder as the other men parted out of my way, but Camilla kicked him in the left shin, causing him to yelp and spin left. She slid to the right as soon as he did so, slipping beside me before he could do a full spin around to see who was responsible. Even the crossbowmen on the steps overlooking the walls watched us with curiosity and interest as we strode into town, the villagers before us stumbling out of the way, nearly dropping what baskets or cartons they carried. "Worry not, it seems a small daemonic presence. Merely a curse," I declared, halting at a well with a bucket full of water and a ladle draped within. "I am quite certain Zinoca is as clean of heart as its drinking water." I scooped the ladle in the water and lifted it to my nose, sniffing. I gave a face and a muted 'eugh' and dropped it back in, not to be dissuaded. "Hrmmm, yes...yes I am getting closer." The buildings were not tightly packed, with enough space between them for small gardens or refuse piles. Most of the architecture was a single story, with simple thatched roofs and only a window or two to speak of. As we drew deeper into the town, the crowd following us like ripples in a clear stream, the buildings grew larger and shops began to appear, along with larger residences. My eyes shifted back and forth, and once I found one that satisfied me, I frowned and stopped just before a two story home. There was even a stone base in its construction. I turned back to the crowd, my visage clouded with grim certainty. "Here, this is where the daemon resides!" I announced, drawing more strangled gasps. One man in particular wailed, running out of the crowd. He wore a feathered cap and a well to-do jerkin, and seemed to be well manicured and groomed. He had a small brass ring with a signet on his left hand. "Say it's not so, sir priest!" He cried with an imperial accent, worried. "Who are you, my son?" I asked him, my eyes filled with concern but my smile kindly. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I am Gregor von Ludendorf, the alderman. Is it truly as you say?" He asked, and before I could even say 'I am afraid so' he leaped to the next question. "What am I to do?" Camilla bit her lip, and I nudged her with my shoulder to keep her face straight. "I sense you have had bad luck recently, sir. Not everything in your life has gone as expected, yes? Yes, I see. It can be fixed quite easily, herr Ludendorf. Tonight my companion and I will stay the night, and I will perform the necessary rituals." I raised my hands and staff, as if a beam of light was expected to pierce the heavens and fall upon me at that very moment. "By morning, the foul presence will have been banished!" My voice carried over the crowd, and as Gustav watched with suspicion, I leaned in and whispered. "[sub]Oh, and for your tribute we require food and strong drink, preferably whiskey, and a comfortable place to sleep.[/sub]" "Yes, yes of course!"