At first, Xavier had an inkling his words weren't chosen carefully enough, Ryder's ongoing suspicion being palpable. But then...she relented. Her explanation rather reminding him of other youths not wanting to appear as if they were in agreement with the reasonings of an authority figure. He [i]could've[/i] smiled, had the situation not the context that it did. [color=#7393B3]"I believe we were going outside,"[/color] he answered. Noticing her untouched tea yet making no comment about it. Instead he started leading the way. [hr] From up in her attic bedroom / greenhouse, Storm happened to see when Xavier and Ryder exited the Mansion. There was something she was of the mind to present to Ryder, though she felt it could wait until she returned from being[i] out[/i] in nature. [hr] Meanwhile, Jean had paused Scott by their aforementioned tree. While she was enjoying a walk, a figurative time away from the challenges around them and precious time together, they needed to talk. [color=#DAA06D]"Scott. . .Since I could, you'd wanted to feel our baby move. Now every time you do you take your hand away."[/color] Scott looked away. [color=#DAA06D]"We can't reverse this. . .If you've changed your mind about it-" [/color] Scott looked up. It was one of the times Jean wished she could see his eyes -she couldn't read the rest of his face, and he wasn't saying anything. [color=#DAA06D]". . .I need you to get it together."[/color] Scott's gaze averted again. Though just slightly, it prompted Jean to avert hers; misunderstanding. . .[i]disappointed[/i]. [color=#0096FF]"I still want this. . .A family, like anyone else. . . .Except we're not."[/color] Jean looked at him. [color=#0096FF]"Look at what Ryder's life has been like -why she even has one in the first place. Because one more person, or group, looks at us like weapons they want a piece of or want to understand enough to be able to take [i]down[/i]. . . .And what do we know about where Umbra's interests lie beyond the Professor's genes? Maybe they knew." [/color] He looked down again, this time at the place their child was, and actually returned his hand there. Jean shifted with clear mental discomfort as she started thinking over her interactions at Umbra. . .had she been blind to a reality that she was lured there? Scott went on: [color=#0096FF]"As soon as our baby is born or even earlier, it becomes something anyone else can take possession of."[/color] He felt it and did shift his hand, but this time as though to align it more directly overtop. [color=#0096FF]"Each time I feel it reminds me how we're nearing that point, while this whole situation with Ryder makes it feel like we're only [i]further[/i] away from [i]peace[/i]."[/color] His hold became more protective of them both as he slid his hand around her waist, while Jean set her hand nearly where his had just been. Her other hand coming to his chest; understanding now, her head bowing beside his. [color=#DAA06D]". . .if anyone even has the [i]thought[/i] to [i]try [/i]taking this away from us."[/color] Her fingers curled against his chest, which she felt expand with a deliberate slow, deep breath through the physical pain. And Scott took her fully in his arms; protective solidarity. [hr] It was in this partial embrace that Xavier and Ryder would find them, though not quite come up on them; Ryder and Xavier being on the path, while the shady tree was several yards off it a little further on. As Xavier had suspected, some of the students were out here as well; off the path some distance in the opposite direction. Xavier noticed his two X-Men, and felt for them for whatever serious conversation he could tell they'd had. Discretely he turned his attention the other way, towards the actions of the 3 young mutants closest in sight. [color=#7393B3]"It looks like some of the children have started a game of 'mutant ball',"[/color] Xavier observed allowed both for conversation's sake, and for the privacy of the adults if Ryder's attention had been on them, [color=#7393B3]"essentially whatever regular ball game they choose, with mutations allowed."[/color] The game of choice today seemed to be 'Piggy in the Middle', with a short pre-teen managing to get out of the middle position better than one of the taller teenagers who took it up next.