[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]??? — Hunter's Lodge[/h3][/center] Lewa's rather adverse initial reaction to her comment about being controlled caused Sanae to instinctively raise her hands in the air and take a step back from the green machine-not-machine-person-thing. The fact that she had apparently touched on something that was a bit of a sore spot for him was not lost upon her, of course, but it luckily didn't take long for him to recover and explain himself and his origins in turn. "Oooh... I see, I see," she said, nodding her head at his explanations. "A mechanical hero protecting the jungles of his homeland... I think there's something inherently poetic about that, in a weird way. Regardless, that has to be a large responsibility to bear; the best I ever do is go around solving incidents when not tending to the shrine I live at, and even then that stuff usually doesn't leave who knows how many lives hanging in the balance..." With that said, though, Sanae quieted down and listened to the others introduce themselves and their situations in turn. Rayne's situation seemed a [i]bit[/i] more concerning compared to the rest of them—life and death not functioning sounded like an incident waiting to happen—but it didn't seem like any of them could really get back to what they were doing until this whole summoning mess was resolved regardless. Joker's introduction, however, piqued a bit more of the young woman's interest—not because of how foreign it was, but instead how [i]familiar[/i] the last quip he had given felt to her. "Joker and Arsene... Cards? Like playing cards? And... Arsene... Lupin? Like that old manga?" she asked in turn, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. "Or am I barking up the wrong tree here?" Though she wanted to poke more into everyone's histories and circumstances, Youmu's and Remilia's accounts of their arrival quickly pulled her back to incident resolution mode. The fact that they had both been brought over after the fact, and well after the rest of them had been summoned to the church here (and fundamentally weakened to boot) was a red flag in her head, and inevitably something to look into sooner rather than later. "That doesn't sound particularly pleasant," Sanae remarked, grimacing at her acquaintainces' accounts of their arrival before crossing her arms. "Hopefully it isn't anything too bad, but I've got a bad feeling about this if that's how you two arrived here..." With the situation as it was, though, it seemed that the best the group could do now was spend the rest of the night under a proper roof and resting—and maybe even talking further about what their plan was for the near future beyond waiting for their questions to be answered by the still-absent divinity that had brought them all here. [hr] Though he seemed to have been expecting the answer that Anne had given him, Alvin seemed no less torn by what she had said. His father was dead, and had died giving his life for theirs... "..." Though he had [i]seemed[/i] mature for his age, the young boy had really only done so at the behest of his father—the very same who had the wits to send him and Millie off into the wilds, knowing full well that whatever had come for them would have left them dead (or worse). But though the logical part of his brain had begun to grasp it, his heart refused the evidence outright. He and his sister had been saved from the Heralds, yes, but they had still taken his father all the same. Even so, a miracle had saved him and his sister; who was to say that something couldn't have happened to save his father after the fact? Despite [i]everything[/i], Alvin—whose fists had clenched tightly into fists—wordlessly broke past Anne and ran outside the lodge and into the streets. Maybe, just maybe, his father would be there, alive and waiting for their return like he had promised. [hr][hr][center][h3]The Next Day[/h3][/center] With everything that had happened, it wasn't too surprising that Sanae had eventually burned through the last of her energy and passed out on the floor at some point during the night. It was only the feeling of hunger that finally roused her from her slumber—well, that and an uncomfortable rest on the cold wooded floor in her shrine maiden outfit. Really, it was a miracle that she [i]had[/i] fallen asleep to begin with. Sanae let out a groan of discomfort as she blearily opened her eyes and stretched her arms upwards, and a cursory glance around left the young woman cognizant that the events of the last day had not been a delusion conjured up by her mind. The injured were still laying around, and the people who had awoken were slowly getting back to work trying to make sure that nobody had passed during the night. Remilia's assistance seemed to help a lot more than her own small miracles had, given how much more tangible they seemed to be, but physical repairs could only do so much to keep someone alive and well. Pushing herself off the ground and stretching her limbs in an attempt to rid herself of the soreness and discomfort of it all, the young woman glanced around before frowning. "...Hm. Anyone else up?" she asked as she brushed some of the debris off of her dress and glanced around. "Need to figure out where we can get some food to start. I was going to go check out that church again if Millie wasn't awake, but by the looks of things she's still out like a light." At the same time, though, a few of the hunters off to the side seemed to be discussing matters in hushed tones, close enough to the entrance of the building so as to not alert the injured further in. "You sure you saw something in the forest? Rain should've washed everything down last night." "Blood, sure, but we've got corpses all over and no chance to clean up. You'd be crazy to think there aren't any opportunistic monsters who would love a free meal..." [@VitaVitaAR][@Izurich][@DracoLunaris][@Lugubrious][@Raineh Daze][@Drifting Pollen]