
He didn't want to hurt Anna even though he ended up doing exactly that. He hated himself for hurting her and lying to her because he was so stuck in his ways with having to lie to Dean and Mika, he didn't know any different with everyone else. Yet here and now, he knew that HAD to change and that change started now with him being as honest as he possibly be. He couldn't understand how or why he was able to take on those demons just now when he didn't have much if any demon blood in his system and that quite frankly unnerved him as much as it confused Anna. Was Sam really getting that powerful or did he still have more demon blood in system than he thought he had? He didn't have the answers to those questions, yet now he wished he did. 

Sam let Anna speak her mind at him, he deserved all the lectures she had for him. Hearing her ask the vital question of how they would treat him if they had been treating her the way they had, it shot a wave of anxiety and terror through his body. He knew they wouldn't react well, that's one reason why he was lying to the others. Instead of replying to that question however, he let her continue to speak and take in what he had told her. That was the fair thing to do in his mind. 

He nodded at her request for full honesty and to deal with this power together. "Okay. Okay, we'll deal with this together, I swear to you I won't lie or keep certain truths from you anymore. Thank you for hearing me out...it's more than Dean would do" he told her honestly as he saw they were arriving at the airport and the driver stopping at the entrance. 

He let her get her bag first before standing up himself, grabbing his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Sighing and taking in the conversation they just had, he wondered how things would go from now on as well as it making him realise he knew far less about this power than he thought had. Shaking the thoughts from his mind for the time being, he walked down the bus and got off, stepping down onto the sidewalk beside Anna. "I guess it's time to head back to the others" he sighed, offering his hand to her in an act of solidarity. He too knew that Anna would need to change her shirt in the nearest public toilets. "You want my hoodie until you get to the toilets?" he asked her. 

[b]NATALIA and MIKA[/b]

Nat was honestly so relieved that Dean didn't want to know exactly what she got up to with Cason the night before. She was also relieved that he was willing accept that for now she was actually truly happy, even if Cason being the cause made him uncomfortable. She even couldn't help but chuckle softly when he brushed her nose as it made her feel so wanted by him, it reminded her of the times when she was very young and lived a normal life, as her mother would stroke the top of her nose in a downward motion-top to bottom, right down the bridge of her nose to make her comfortable and sleepy at night. Or the time when John was around in her life and would flick her nose playfully if she was being cheeky to him. 

The memories of those actions filling her mind which made her chuckle softly. One of the few memories to return to her after so many were stripped from her in the asylum. "I've not had anyone do that to me in a very long time" she told him, her tone showing him that it's the first time in a while she's had a happy memory return to her. She then softened a bit more when he explained how he liked the look of happiness on her and yet still managed to be typical Dean by telling her if Cason steps out of line, to go to him. She gave a nod, "I promise, I won't pass go, won't collect 200, and just come straight to you. Hand on heart." she agreed, deciding to play the monopoly line. 


Outside she was curious to what Cason could want to talk to her about. The first thing that came to mind was maybe it was something Mika said to him and he wanted to be truthful to her about it. She honestly wouldn't have put it passed Mika to have given him a stern word or threat in the name of protecting her. So when he just grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, she gladly returned it, wrapping her own arms round his waist as she did so. When he did finally pull away, she smiled at his words unable to stop thinking that was the most human thing she could have heard from him. 

"It still works and I'm happy with you Cason. I know everyone around us says I shouldn't be but I am. I'm willing to see how we work together if you are. I want to be with you...as rebellious of a Winchester that is" she smiled and chuckled once more. She could only imagine how her father would be if he heard what she just said to a demon but she didn't care. Even if he was still alive, she couldn't imagine John caring enough for her- not like Sam and Dean do anyway. After she was done saying what she felt, what she truly felt, in the hopes it was something he wanted to hear, she let him talk about whatever it was that was seemingly on his mind. 

Her smile dropped slightly when he mentioned Annabeth and what Mika had actually told him. Sam and Anna were on their way back and needed his guidance. Like him, she knew if that was the case it was demon related. Sighing it was becoming even more obvious that she could never get away from demons no matter how hard she tried- Cason excluded. "If you think I'll be good for her I'll stick around. I like Anna and if I can help in any way I will. I won't run away...not anymore. As long as it never involves THAT place" she told him. She never wanted to see that asylum again. 

Back in the room, Mika listened to what Dean had to say. It was honestly the best possible outcome she could have hoped for. They both looked happy and close, probably closer than they ever have been and that was enough for her. "Trust me, I don't like it either but all the while she has a smile on her face and is willing to work with us and not against us at every opportune moment I'll accept it. I'm also all for it if it puts your mind at some ease knowing where you two stand with each other. I don't think I've ever seen her so willing to be hugged by you- it was nice to see." she told him, wrapping one arm round his back and rubbing her hand up and down it soothingly. 

"Oh yeah..was that a hint of a hickey I saw her sporting when she walked outside just now?" she asked, an amused smirk on her lips, one eyebrow raised as she looked up at him.