Fia and Josh nodded at Drake's words. He had a valid point. Neither of them knew why this place had so many staircases when it looked like a perfectly normal house on the outside. It was just one of the many things that always reminded them that this place was truly strong in magical energy. Fia in her timeline would always joke and wind John up by saying it was their Tardis because it was bigger on the inside than the outside. "Good point" Fia replied. 

Chas let John inspect what was in the jar and sighed with relief when John confirmed that it was indeed what was the cause of this boy's problems. He also felt quite glad that a total unintentional action actually proved a very helpful move for John. "Well that's something" Kay remarked, unable to resist walking up close to John and having a look at the leach in the jar. "It's amazing how something so small can hold so much power over someone" she remarked.