[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] In a lazy effort to scan the room, Zell tilted his head back and simply rolled his neck from right to left. He was ready to get up and head toward the first sight of trouble, but there was none. Just a room that looked like a bomb had hit it. The Englishman's eyes went to the ceiling and he let out a breath. "Christ," he muttered to himself. "Whatever we're getting paid... we deserve double." With an audible strain, he rose to his feet and picked up his sword. It was a little awkward to sheath it with his left hand, but he managed it and then went over to Fenna. "Alright mate," he greeted the Dutchwoman. "I'll tell you what; me and your Sil make a great team. First outside on the temple roof and now in here... are you sure she's yours and not mine?" he joked. "I saw your little 'absorbing fire' trick. What the hell, mate, when did you learn that one? Pretty neat." He rolled his injured shoulder a few times, trying to loosen it up and regain some mobility with his right arm. He would rather not fight left-handed, but it was looking like he'd have to for the foreseable future. His eyes landed on James and he realised that whatever he was going through was probably nothing compared to his best friend. "Damn, look at James," he said to Fenna. "We're going to have to keep him protected, going forward."