[quote=@Izurich] As long as those hard limits also apply to adults (which practically means there are no [i]minor-exclusive[/i] hard limits), then I'm very sure I can adapt without any nagging feeling, because they're off limits, period, regardless of the age of the fictional character in question. That said, once you confirm my statement above, I believe this discussion will be over. [/quote] Oh! I'm sorry, yes! The exclusions absolutely would apply to all characters. Sorry if I made it seem like it would only apply to the child characters. That's not the case at all! [quote=@ERode] Speaking generally, I think we can just treat this in the standards of modern shounen anime? Violence is A-Ok, and characters are allowed to explore their sexuality, but no on-screen sex, no portrayals of drug use by characters, and I feel like we can all agree that sexual harrassment and assault is super fucking awkward to just flatout write out in public? Generally I don't make a distinction in terms of the age of the characters myself; I just default to that sorta ruleset no matter how old the kiddos are. I personally say 'one hit = loss' for the Duel setup though. Like, considering the presence of poisons and curses and all, just a scratch upon your Noble's pretty face could have massive consequences. Don't want the Knights to start approaching their actual bodyguarding careers with the reflex of "Nah, I can let two hits pass". For TTRPGs, it largely just depends on whether or not you want to have stats to begin with. I'd say that flat modifiers and extra dice could exist together though. One indicates that a skill is more consistent, while the other one indicates that a skill is more risky. Could have people's natural dice pool exist in tiers too, so say, a beginner Knight naturally rolls with a 2d6, while a more experienced Knight naturally rolls with a 3d6. The plot itself will definitely have to be figured out though. Right now, the state of the world itself seems kinda nebulous, so it's personally hard for me to imagine what would happen to the school. Like, what do Nobles do? Why are there Knights, rather than professional bodyguards with guns and shades? If there are Nobles, does that mean monarchies are still in place for powerful nations? What's America doing? etc. [/quote] As usual, excellent points and questions! I'll try to address them piecemeal. For the first part about violence and sexual acts, etc, I agree. That's a very good way to address it and treat it. The one hit k/o definitely made me chuckle because you are correct. The dice roll could just determine who got hit first and then it's up to the writers to write out [i]how[/i] that happened. I'm pretty opposed to a stats system. While I do think it could be fun, I think it does lean us as someone mentioned previously more towards the ttrpg side of the site. Which, I don't want to do. I just want an easy way to determine who would win to avoid any arguments players might have over fights. I do really like the idea of number of dice being affixed to the year/seniority of the character and then the abilities then modifying that roll if that's something that we'd like to do. Again, I'd likely be handling rolls just to keep things fair for all which means that a lot of these roll things aren't something you'll even really need to worry about. Just, "hey rose, A and B are going to duel, can you roll to see who wins?" I'll go to their sheets, make the rolls and respond, "Here's the scores! Looks like A will win this duel by a small margin." I'm definitely in agreement concerning plot and the world itself. Let's see if we can't figure that out together as well. [u][b]Questions to Answer[/b][/u] [b]What are the Roles of Nobles?[/b] Nobles are the elite of the world. They are the future leaders, the CEOs, the Business men and women. They are at this academy to learn and to grow as future leaders of the world to make it a better place. Nobles are often from families that have existed for centuries and are tied to former royalty in the nation. You can think of them like land owning dukes, lords, and such. Many of them are setting up to become mayors, governors, political party leaders, etc. [b]Why Knights and not Pro Bodyguards?[/b] Let's assume that 'Knights' are like pro-bodyguards, or will be once they've grown up. The idea behind the Knight/Noble pairing is that the Noble grows up with the Knight and develops a level of trust with them as they grow together. It's meant to be an incredibly close bond and the Knight is meant to act not only as their bodyguard but as their support. I.E. A Knight should be able to do anything a Noble can do in order to help support their success. My thoughts for this were set on tradition. We can make a decision on whether or not guns exist in this world, but for the purpose of the RP, let's assume that regardless guns are prohibited in the school. At most, they might hold gun safety/gun classes where they teach you how to use a gun. However, the duel is meant to be a more traditional, cultural thing. Something that has developed over time in their culture into the event that it is today. Obviously I'm fine with expanding that more and understand that it might not explain everything. [b]Monarchies?[/b] The original thought was that Monarchies do exist but only as a show, not necessarily a bit part of the government. However, I am not at all opposed to Monarchies existing and there being kings/queens, princes/princesses, etc. I quite like that sort of stuff so I certainly wouldn't say no. [b]America?[/b] I mean... If England still has Monarchies, who's to say America doesn't too. But maybe they don't follow the duel traditions and have a different way of teaching, educating and otherwise preparing their elite for the world. [@The Savant] I absolutely agree.