[center][h2][color=5F9EA0]Isaac bin Kamaal[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5743c27f5ec20a32cb9fb44df7560b7e/2bca4021099090ef-a6/s400x600/3ad24ecba51b55da0e91fbf9fa0af6986b7865ec.gif[/img][/center] [center]Location: Isaac's apartment building Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] [color=5F9EA0]"That is good to hear, and it is nice to have a handyman around."[/color] Though Isaac knew Robert was not a true handyman, he still helped out and repaired what he could around the building. Which is still a nice thing and certainly a person Isaac would have liked to had in his old apartment building back in Pennsylvania. After telling Robert about the sick homeless man and hearing his response, Isaac spoke. [color=5F9EA0]"Yeah, I will try, and the last thing I want is to get and spread whatever that homeless man had."[/color] In hindsight, he probably should not have gotten that close to the homeless man if he did not wish to get sick, but he did seem to need help after seeing those teens make fun of it. He had to do something than just watch and forget. [color=5F9EA0]"No, there is nothing wrong with my room right now, and I do not need anything right now. Thanks for asking and I will let you know if I do."[/color]