[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230710/8fd3ba642e008a8302700ef896bc5e90.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/x5Q0SVHINQsAAAAd/new-york-city-nyc.gif[/img] [@Kirah][@Kuro][@Theyra][@Trainerblue192][@ArticBeaver][@PatientBean] [h1]Local Time: 7:15AM[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [@Kirah] Mandy's father smiled and waved goodbye to Millie as she had gone off to tend to her husband, his attention turned towards his daughter and nodded signing back. "A box of masks would be nice, and you might as well stock up on a bunch of toilet paper as well to." He signed the last bit was a little bit of a joke since everyone for whatever reason during the COVID 19 pandemic flocked to the stores and bought a bunch of toilet paper in bulk. "I'll stock up on some other stuff later today while you are gone and send some your way if you need them to." He offered his daughter. [@Theyra] Robert smiled and nodded. "I'll be around for another hour or so if you need anything just give me a call." Robert said, he didn't live in the apartment complex himself and owned a place of his own just down the street. "Anyway i'll leave you to it, I got some other paperwork that I need to do anyway. Enjoy the rest of your day." Robert told Isaac as he started to head back to doing some other work that he needed to do before going home for the day. [@PatientBean] "Thank you i'll let the ones who asked what they need to do." The intern said as they headed off to tell some of the others that they were free to go. Trudy came up to Verity and looked at her as soon as the meeting was over and done with and handed her some paperwork that Verity needed to sign. "Here are some papers that you need to sign off on, for contract renewals and what not. I also put in a call for someone to take your car into the shop and get it patched up for you, they'll send you a rental within the hour for you until then, I told them to also fax you the invoice once they have the estimate for you to." She said. [@Trainerblue192] "Your no fun, it's kinda funny to see your mom lecture you all day though." Hannah said sarcastically as she followed him into the building, she pulled out her school schedule and looked at him. "After homeroom we have gym class for first period so that will be fun, unless you want to skip that class." She said, Hannah was always a little bit of a rebel and did occasionally skip class every now and then. "Though I know that your crush is in that class to and I know you have the hots for him, and you want to stare at his bod all class to." She said teasingly. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6A5ACD]Kaitlyn Carver[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/28/5f/64285f0a129f2f94cff7a323ab0ed2eb.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC, Subway Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] "I learned my lesson I won't do it again I promise." The kid said to Kali, as Kaitlyn then finally released him the kid quickly got up to his feet and rubbed his ribs and sides slightly where he had been kicked by the pregnant woman. He stared at the three of them before quickly running off and out of the subway. She turned to look at Kali she remembered the name she had been meaning to check out the new restaurant over by Central Park making a note to go there at some point. [color=6A5ACD]"I'm pretty late myself as well to. I hope you do enjoy the rest of your day."[/color] Kaitlyn said to Kali as she started to head off. Luckily it wasn't that far of a walk from where she needed to go, she needed to get in before first period started as Kaitlyn made her way down the sidewalk. She eventually made it to the school seeing a girl and a boy just getting off of a vespa and into the school itself, Kaitlyn headed down towards the school's office to see where she was needed. She looked at Hermes and gave him a friendly smile and nod as she passed him and Hannah. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=8FBC8F]Flynn Price[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/27/e2/1b27e22fd5d8ed7894991871b73e337b.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC Cafe. Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Flynn would occasionally look at the officers as they did their usual thing and questioned the other guests who stayed behind his attention turned back to Becker getting his attention. [color=8FBC8F]"Nah I didn't see anything honestly my friend and I were planning on getting something to eat honestly."[/color] He said as he gestured towards the tow truck with the motorcycle strapped to the bed of the truck he wasn't sure what to make of the random person biting the victim and shrugged slightly. [color=8FBC8F]"Maybe they were a druggie and they were unhinged or something while they were high or whatever."[/color] Flynn suggested having seen a few people acting weird and crazy sometimes while they were high. A few seconds later one of the officers approached the two of them turning towards Becker. "Mind giving your statement and we can figure out what happened?" He asked the two of them, as Flynn looked at the officer. [color=8FBC8F]"I just got here myself and didn't see anything honestly."[/color] He answered as the officer wrote it down as he looked at Becker.