[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmRlMTk4YS5WR0Y1YkdFZ1EyaHZhUSwsLjA,/zolanti.regular.webp[/img][/h1][/CENTER] Mention: [@FernStone] Lihn Tayla felt a poke. A little harmless thing trying to invade her emotional fields when the woman next to her sat down. She tensed up and turned to look at her, headphones now around her neck. She hadn't picked up anything malicious when she entered her range to hear thoughts. Doesn't mean she's not good at masking intentions and keeping them from the forefront of her mind. She should've asked before poking her. It was a like a slip it seemed. She wasn't touching her with magic anymore. She could let it go. She'll reserve completely doing that just in case. She shrugged, not caring about the seat. She didn't own the bench and it's not like she took up a lot of space to begin with. She looked in the direction the woman pointed to a little girl way out of place among babies. She snorted. Cute. Her gaze drifted towards her own family. Siwan was on his feet, standing in front of where her father sat behind him. He was holding onto her father's shoulder, engrossed in the story. She pulled out her phone and took a quick picture of them. At this angle, she only saw a little of their faces, but it's cute. She couldn't help smiling. [color=DE198A]"Tayla,"[/color] she introduced herself. She eased up a little bit. She's never talked to another mother before. Other than simple pleasantries with the moms dropping their kids off at daycare. She kept it moving after that, never wanting to have long talks about motherhood before. Most moms weren't like her. Recovering drug addicts that's spent eight years being pimped out for drugs and deals. All of it fuzzy memories she'd rather not look too closely at. [color=DE198A]"That's mine over there with my dad,"[/color] she said, pointing to a middle aged Korean man with a pumpkin child blocking his view. "It's his first time here. Thought we'd get here early before the crowd really came. I don't want him around the hot garbage that goes on after sundown." She knew just how bad that shit could get. There's always a fight, vomit, drinking, someone taking a chance at not getting caught fucking in public. They rarely got away with it. [color=DE198A]"Is she gonna go to the play? I'm sure that's got something to do with writing too."[/color] The play was for all ages. She's not sure if she wanted to sit around for an hour watching adults in costumes prancing around the kids. Coloring and drawing at the crafts table seemed more fun.