[u][b]Character Creation: [/b][/u] [b]There are 4 open slots for characters. [/b] I want to keep this small to give it the best chance of taking off. This means you character may not be accepted! [b]Character Sheets - What to Expect when you are Depicting:[/b] I know some people LOOOOOVE character sheets. I am not those people. I do understand that they are necessary for group RPs. Here is what I am looking for. _______________________________________________________________________ [b]Character Name: [/b] Self Explanatory [b]Concept:[/b] A brief 2-5 word description of your character concept. This should be something pithy like 'Cursed Librarian', 'Gun Enthusiast', or 'Hard Boiled Ghostbuster'. [b]Background:[/b] A BRIEF background of your character. A background is not a history. Please don't write a long history. It will put me to sleep and it will shackle you in terms of your fiction. You might at some point want to invent history that will be helpful. Give us a brief idea of who your character is and how they got involved with the occult, don't write a dossier. [b]Physical Description:[/b] A brief description of what you look like geared towards other writers who will interact with you. You can include art if you have something that really speaks to you but it is not required. [b]Powers and Skills:[/b] A brief description of what more than human powers you might have. _______________________________________________________________________ I will ask questions about the backgrounds and histories of characters at various points to help flesh out ideas and foster connections.