[h3][color=7bcdc8]Roxas[/color][/h3] [hr] [quote]The first snap of a bowstring served as a signal, the flanking men charging at once. On Roxas' side, the lead swordsman staggered with an arrow piercing his chest. Another found its mark soon after, the projectile whizzing before punching through mail and shirt alike to find purchase in the flesh underneath. He faltered, falling to his knee with a wet gurgle, crimson spittle flowing out of his mouth. As if uncaring of his fallen comrade, the axeman continued the charge and raised his poleaxe up high. A wide swing was incoming, partial blindness to be compensated by the sizeable arc. The third arrow found purchase in him, somewhere lower in the abdomen, yet whether drunk in adrenaline or the presence of a beer belly the man wasn't much hampered by the damage at the moment.[/quote] A smirk appeared as she watched the arrows sink into the targets. She watched the axeman continue towards her, making her range harder to shoot at. Roxas proceeded to bend backs, arrow transferring to her bow hand and both hands going to the ground as her legs kicked up. The axeman in range of her kick and her foot aiming for the axe in his hand as he swung at her. She landed easily, bow already pulling up to shoot. She notched her arrow she had and shot at the axeman. She notched another immediately, shooting at him again. She notched a third and fourth together, aiming at him steadily. She was waiting for him to proceed forward if he could. She wasn't playing anymore with two arrows notched. Her gaze glanced to Rezello again, noting he was doing doing well. She heard the ice behind her, figuring Fia used ice and Tillius seemed to be making strides as well. Everything [i]seemed[/i] to be going well.