Dramatis Personae [u] [b]Sunday Group[/b][/u] [b]Dr Emma Stern[/b] – Mathimagi -Former member of the Sunday Group and current lecturer in Theoretical Mathematics at the University of Chicago. Emma is a statuesque blonde woman with a soft Austrian accent. She is frequently around the office distributing baked goods and is bubbly and friendly to all she meets. [b]Jocasta Glyn[/b] – Forensic Necromancer - Jocasta is a small woman who serves as the Sunday Groups forensic expert. Her hair is dyed bright green and she is chirpy and energetic the point of near mania. Her lair is in the sub-basement of the building where she can do her grisly work in private. [u][b]Friends [/b][/u] [u][b]Foes[/b][/u] [u][b]Unclear[/b][/u]