A lot of drama happened while the family was away. New York got invaded by a Norse God and his army of Frost Giants. A team of superheroes formed calling themselves the Avengers formed to stop had, and they had their own norse god. From what he had heard, it sounded really cool, and really scary too… A part of Danny wished he had been around just to witness it… But that’s what the news was for. Right now, he had bigger things to deal with. He had been excited the entire trip home. [color=pink]“Caty, Caty. Guess what? I got a boy’s phone number! I mean… I guess I have Harry’s phone number… But I got a boy who I’m actually romantically interested in phone number!”[/color] He was jumping up and down, giddy with excitement. [color=pink]“His name is Chase. He’s really handsome, and friendly. I’ve always wanted my own gay fairy tale romance, and now I’m finally getting my chance!”[/color]