Why was she saying this? Jean’s attempt at a conversation wasn’t making a lot of coherent sense, Ryder couldn’t tell where she was going with this. True, she currently saw every hallway and corner of the school, and had not slept once since the time she faked being in a coma. But why did Jean feel tne need to bring it up? What was the point of this? [color=00ffff]”The hell are you talking about?”[/color] Peace didn’t exist in Ryder’s world. It had no analog, no comparison, or equivalent. Ryder blinked slowly, not of a sound enough mind to verbally rip the woman’s head off. She didn’t have refuge or safety in her own mind, impenetrable as it was. [color=00ffff]”Are you following me, or something?”[/color] She asked, audibly less aggressive or outwardly hostile than normal. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep. It was dangerous here. She needed to treat them like they were dangerous in the same way a wounded animal needed to treat every sound like a threat. It was just natural, even in weakness.