If Flicker was one to thank the gods, they would have done so having the foresight to buy extra ingredients, otherwise the addition of their new comrade would have stressed them out... well, stressed then out [i]more[/i]. As those who had travelled with Flicker long enough to know, the fire genasi wasn't one to warm to strangers that easily - the fact they had so readily accepted Cascade as quickly as they had was actually a little unprecedented - and Gorgash had the kind of boisterous personality that Flicker typically didn't mesh well with, so they'd been keeping their distance from the orc. 

Upon entering the Manticore's Tale, Flicker's body tensed at the joyous welcome they received thanks to their companion, obviously not used to warm reception, and once the group was sat down, they would hunch over in an attempt to appear as unconscious as possible. When everyone started ordering drinks, they simply muttered, [color=f7941d]"A water, please. And food-wise, I'll have the same as him."[/color] They nodded towards Jørmund, before turning their gaze towards the fire.