[hider=KJ Lowry] [center][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/8jkwCyP/Skull-and-roses.png[/IMG][/center] [CENTER][h1][color=fff200][B]Kiana Jayne - 'KJ' [/B][/color][/h1] [I][color=fff200]"The candle that burns brightest burns out the fastest. Burn it at both ends, baby..."[/color][/I][/CENTER] [h3][color=fff200][B]Basic Info[/B][/color][/h3] [color=fff200][B]Name[/B][/color] [INDENT]Kiana Jayne Lowry[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Nickname[/B][/color] [INDENT]As herself: [i][b]KJ [/b][/i](common), [i][b]Cage[/b][/i] (Friends shorten KJ lol), [i][b]KiKi [/b][/i](family), [i][b]Coochie[/b][/i] (sorta derogatory so only acceptable by close friends) As The Apparition: [i][b]The Light Dancer, Prism, Glowball[/b][/i] (Affectionately)[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Age[/B][/color] [INDENT]23[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Gender[/B][/color] [INDENT]Female, She/Her[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Sexuality[/B][/color] [INDENT]Homosexual![/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Relationship[/B][/color] [INDENT]Player. But! Has probs getting with Japanese girls.[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Family[/B][/color] [INDENT]Tech R&D Father, Deceased Mother.[/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Type[/B][/color] [INDENT][color=fff200]Light[/color]/[color=ed145b]Chaos[/color][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Afterimage[/B][/color] [center][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/xSjHtcF/Apparition.png[/IMG][/center] [INDENT]A spectre. An apparition. 6 foot tall and dressed in a simple yet airy and flowing hooded white gown with eyes glowing white hot and shifting hues depending on emotions. Of note is the charred black skin of its body, Smooth and featureless face, like a mask, and the only other part exposed are the disproportioately giant clawed arms, with the rainbow tipped talons. A mystical billowing smoke surrounds it, lit up by all colours of the rainbow, churning, swirling up a storm of bright colours. When it moves, it seems to 'swim' through the air, yet dancing at the same time, its gown trailing behind it, absent of any sign of legs or feet. There is an aethereal soundtrack that plays as it moves, snippets of songs on repeat, a constant drumbeat aligning with its emotions, this spectre is not a stealthy creature, nor is it meant to be stealthy. It is of Chaos and Light afterall. [/INDENT] [color=fff200]Mirror Artes:[/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*][i][b]Blink [/b][/i]- 'Teleports' within a 10m volume area. Not really teleporting as it is moving at the speed of light. Very effective but very uncontrollable and very random where it is in that volume that she 'blinks' into. [*][i][b]Dazzle[/b][/i] - She begins to dance then suddenly beams of light all colours of the rainbow emit from her, increasing in intensity the more she dances. Random snippets of all the music she ever heard begins to pound and increase in volume, tracers of her movements shimmer away. All those watching will feel as if they are in a night club rave party from hell. Too bright, too loud, too chaotic. And that's the point. It is sensory overload and if the viewer/listener stay in her vicinity they will succumb and fall, their brains and bodies going numb. [*][i][b]Chaos Light Strike!![/b][/i] - literally her Artes weaponized as a dazzling laser/sonic attack. She will fire a beam, a spray pattern, form a blade or create an explosion centered from her and blast opposition. As it is chaos she will never know which particular attack she will manifest nor how powerfulit will be. [/LIST][/indent] [color=fff200][B]Abilities[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Athletic - As a skater, dance major, and running from the cops, she is well built and everlasting. She is graceful and acrobatic yet strong and explosive. [*]Capoeira - pretty much the perfect martial art for her. Dancing motions, kicks, athletic and acrobatic. That and she can knife fight too. [*]Thievery - yeah her dad is loaded... So what? She still has a rap sheet too long for someone so privileged. But she has picked up some skills as a thief and pickpocket. Sadly its not for money but more for thrills and adrenaline rush of doing bad things really well. [/LIST][/INDENT] [color=fff200]Skills[/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Artsy - dance is her major, creativity is her love. Her creativity bleeds into other hobbies such as drawing, painting, fashion, decals, grafitti, etc [*]Actress - the best dancers can evoke and pull emotions from the soul and with that she is able to act like different people but to varying effect cuz she looks how she looks lol. [/LIST][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Likes[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Loud Things [*]Bright Colours aaaaand skulls and flowers! [*]Cuuuuuuuute Girlies [/LIST][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Dislikes[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Failing [*]Boredom [*]Sitting Still [/LIST][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Strengths[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Positive Vibes [*]Loyaty [*]Daring [/LIST][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Weaknesses[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Rebellious [*]'Bro Code' [*]Daring [/LIST][/INDENT] [h3][color=fff200][B]Appearance[/B][/color][/h3] [center][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/1btgx4r/Girlie1.png[/IMG][/center] [INDENT]5'7" and 135lbs. LIght Brown Skin and Well muscled. Tattoos everywhere. Big bright and glinting blue eyes, long black hair but currently dyed pink and blue, shaved on one side and with several braids bouncing around. And never forget that big, shiny grin of hers.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Face is usually done up, eyebrows expertly preened. But when she is working out or skating around the city, she will just go with some waterproof eye makeup and some lip gloss. She loves her big hoop earrings too. Sometimes she will attach bells to her braids and hoops just to be noisy and annoying. [/INDENT] [INDENT]Not exactly a fashionista, however, the girl will put a lot of thought into her outfits. She likes tight, revealing outfits that show off a lot of skin to display her ink to the world. Not really one for skirts but if she does wear one, she likes them loose and frilly so she can move freely in them. Loves her shorts and will wear booty shorts if she can get away with it cuz she is proud of her boooooty!! Crop tops, tanks, anything top really will be obright colours or have a base of black and wild colourful prints on them-- she is a sucker for skulls and flowers! And cannot forget the kicks! She loves shoes and her daddy spoils her so she has a whole closet museum full of them. [/INDENT] [h3][color=fff200][B]Personality[/B][/color][/h3] [INDENT]You will always know where KJ is or at least you're guess would be really good it is her. She is noisy, chatty, laughs a lot and loudly. She cannot sit still so even when you are chatting with her, she will get up and dance or mess around on her skateboard. The girl is a huuuuuuge flirt and constantly trying to chat up the next hottie. She has a girlfriend graveyard a mile deep and no stopping this player. But she is genuinely friendly and can be a very loyal friend. The only time she shuts up or settles down is when she dons her giant headphones and begins to draw or think up new dance routines or skate tricks. It's actually eerie how she can go from noisy firecracker to silently seated in a heartbeat.[/INDENT] [INDENT]She is however having problems fitting in with Japanese culture and finding friends that 'get her'. A huge problem is that she is a 'bad girl' type and is always attracting trouble whether created by her or not. That and she is very loud and rebellious too. She holds to a certain 'bro code' despite being female. She adheres to it like gospel and will feel betrayed by those she marks as a 'bro.' Also as brave and as much of a risk taker she is, it can be to her detriment. And despite her denials the scars and bruises always tell on her. But its as she always believes; burn bright before you burn out. [/INDENT] [h3][color=fff200][B]Background[/B][/color][/h3] [INDENT]If she played her cards right, she could be the empress of a massive fortune. But instead she chose to allow it to burn away. If only her mother taught her better. [/INDENT] [INDENT]What mother? And for that matter; what father?[/INDENT] [INDENT]Nursemaids, tutors, babysitters, instructors. Those were her mother. Her father was never around; he was too busy earning the biggest paycheque, constantly becoming the best version of himself and topping even that. Meanwhile he neglected to note that he had a sweet little daughter that hung on his every word, desperate for even a minute for daddy to play with her. Maybe he was never meant to be father material. Because truth be told; she was adopted. [/INDENT] [INDENT]KJ was 'KiKi' to mamma. She remembered that even though mamma died when she was but 5 yrs old. And that emptiness that mamma left... that void was never filled with any amount of dollars or size of gift that her father bestowed her. Was it really any wonder that she would grow up a rebel? Was it any big surprise that she was soooooo loud, boisterous and off the wall? The poor thing was attention starved. And so when she turned to crime was it any wonder? Really?[/INDENT] [INDENT]Don't get her wrong, she took to dance lessons and later capoiera training with a grand passion and vigour, but skateboarding was where she felt most free, most herself, most like she could fly, It was here where she was just Cage, sometimes Coochie, and she was just a homie. No one saw her as a spoiled rich kid that pissed away her family fortune. It was good for her; she felt that she bonded with her crew. They were bros and they would ride or die for each other. They tattooed each others initials across each of their bodies. No one was above their code. [/INDENT] [INDENT]And then it just wasn't enough was it? The alcohol, the parties, the girls, the drugs... the fights began to escalate didn't they? But she was Cage; she'd kick your ass while dancing around, and a knife at the ready when it was time. But that attitude lead to a life of instant gratification that stemmed from mischief and violence. Worst of all, KJ was just in it not to steal things or break things to make a statement. No, it was just for the kicks; it was all just for the rush. She was in with the bad crowd now. And in a bad way. She had broken her own 'bro code' with her skater homies and she was on an island out here, biting off more than she could chew. Brave and brazen, yet bone-headedly stupid, she took to thug life and in doing so somehow ended up pissing of a gang. She was shot at. Twice. Yeah. It got real.[/INDENT] [INDENT]When her father told her the news that he was going to take a position in Neo-Tokyo for R&D of an aviation company, she practically begged her father to take her with him. It looked like those Japanese lessons would pay off afterall. That and she passed the dance exam at the Neo-Tokyo institute, however, she needed to upgrade certain courses to gain proper academic standing so she is enrolled in a part time courseload. And perhaps this change of scenery was for the best. The isolation that they both are experiencing in the foreign country has strangely brought father and daughter closer together. [/INDENT] [INDENT]That and there is no danger here for her. [/INDENT] [INDENT]Yet.[/INDENT] [h3][color=fff200][B]Other[/B][/color][/h3] [color=fff200][B]Theme Song[/B][/color] [INDENT][url=https://youtu.be/CmmTz3W-JO0?si=K2-n3FOT8ibD1I8G]Linda by Tokischa x ROSALÍA[/url][/INDENT] [color=fff200][B]Extra Information[/B][/color] [INDENT][LIST] [*]KJ loves karaoke! Buuuuuut... she can't sing. She just needs to stick to dancing lol [*]She's not into anime at all but loves to get high and watch them and pass out. [/LIST][/INDENT] [/hider]