The lower degree of hostility and aggression in Ryder's voice wasn't lost on Jean. Though she couldn't tell if it was from anything on her part, or if Ryder was just too tired to give a full damn. Jean was paying more attention to the implications of Ryder's first response, anyway. . .Though she acknowledged the second ahead of it: [color=#DAA06D]"No, if you can trust my word, I'm not following you."[/color] She considered her following response before saying: [color=#DAA06D]"I guess what I mean to say is. . .on [i]some [/i]level,"[/color] still, she briefly closed her eyes, hoping this beginning wouldn't derail her entire message, [color=#DAA06D]"no where close to the same, but some. . I get it. As a telepath who hasn't always had the best control, I didn't have to worry if people wanted to hurt me, I [i]knew[/i]. In a way how you grew up was a dialed-up microcosm of how the world is for mutants. Looked at like [i]objects[/i], [i]prizes[/i]. . .Years ago I was wanted for my powers. Through someone's manipulation I nearly destroyed [i]everything[/i] that came to mean anything to me. . ."[/color] From no thought that Ryder would care, just her own emotions on the subject, Jean hesitated before admitting [color=#DAA06D]". . .I did kill people,"[/color] only just audibly. Her fingers brushing her just noticeably distended waistline; when she allowed herself to think of it, it didn't feel right that she should be continuing her life, with Scott, literally [i]making[/i] a life with him, when she was responsible for denying others theirs. But things went as they did. She refocused on the present, continuing in her initial tone of voice: [color=#DAA06D]"There are [i]others here[/i] whose lives have been irrevocably changed through experiments. . .Whose value lies in their DNA. . .Their stories aren't mine to tell except to say all of us have found safety here. . .The things that have happened to us have always come from beyond these walls."[/color] Finally Jean turned to look Ryder in the eyes. [color=#DAA06D]"I want you to know that security. Whether or not you find it here. . ."[/color] Then turned to continue down the path.