[i][b]—— Earth-F67X: Earth’s Extraterrestrial Embassy[/b][/i] [i]“Oh, how thoughtless,”[/i] the frumpy Fruggalo proclaimed and extended one of her four stumpy arms in an awkward salutation, [i]“I’m Fran, Fran Lyfpifgrosq. A pleasure, I’m sure. And you’re Lieutenant Zourn Vátne, I know, I’ve looked at your file. Sad, sad, sad,”[/i] she trailed off and gazed absently at the slow-turning ceiling fan. Very dusty up there. Almost as if this facility is short-staffed in the janitorial department. Moments later, undeterred, Fran shakes off her reverie and waddles after and catches up to Zourn and Oswaldo down a long wide hall filled with cozy chairs occupied by a menagerie of alien lifeforms. It is quiet, aside from Fran. The television displays that line the walls are muted, but show protesters outside the EEE. A large group of masked people in knock-off military gear hold blood-red signs insisting [i][b]“EARTH FOR HUMANS,”[/b][/i] [i][b]“ALIENS ARE SCUM,”[/b][/i] [i][b]“REMEMBER SPAIN,”[/b][/i] and [i][b]“FCW VETERANS DESERVE BETTER!”[/b][/i] while another, smaller group, waves banners insisting [i]“Love For All Life.”[/i] They are clearly shouting at one another across a street heavily patrolled by SWAT units with helmets, visors, shock batons, and riot shields — compliments of the North Capital City Police Department. [i]“Ignore them, sweetie. They’re harmless, mostly. No attacks for at least a month, now,”[/i] Fran attempts to comfort Zourn, but then her tone changes entirely, and in a conspiratorial whisper, she says to Oswaldo, [i]“by-the-by, Mr. Vetzinga, there’s something else I want to tell you. Why the assholes are out in particular force today. She is here, you know, Mayor Iedereen. Discussing something important with one of those high-up government bureaucrats from the Department of Integration Security. Room C13. Been in there for about an hour.”[/i]