Aura watched as her party all gave the same signs of recognition as Gorgash told his tale. She was unsuprised by the groups reactions. Poor Cascade however, had no clue what the group was talking about. Aura was about to open her mouth to reply when the door was kicked open. The Air Genasi, ever the charlatan, just barely managed to hide the fact that the sudden sound had managed to make her heart jump into her throat. 

Her eyes followed the source of the noise, a child walking around like he owned the place, and declaring his usual to the bartender. He vaugly reminded her of herself when she was his age, loud, obnoxoius, and much too overly confident. Aura suposed nothing much had changed since then, other than the fact that she now knew when and where to act in such a way. Though the fear in the patron's voice threw her off. Was it fear of the child, or perhaps fear of the child's parents? She didn't particularly care. 

Aura nearly choked on her drink when Rala made her comment. She had not been expecting such a response and it took everything in her not to start laughing at the comment. [color=bc8dbf]"I too have no intention of giving up my seat. It has been a long couple days and I am not about to move for a child. Especially one who's called Bad Seed. Honestly if he was going to have an intimidating title Bad Seed was the worst option out there"[/color] Aura leaned back in her seat, getting obviously more comfortable as she observed the child. Making it clear she had no intention of moving.