[@Lurking Krog] With a Natural 20, Jørmund can perceive things about more than just the boy's blade. Starting with the initial query, the scimitar is one of the most well made blades he has ever seen. So much so, especially in the possession of a child, that Jørmund can quickly deduce that there is a supernatural quality to it. Jørmund also notices this same supernatural quality present in the boy's javelins, chain shirt, and shield. Another detail that Jørmund notices about the scimitar is that there looks to be some sort of iron coin set into the center of the cross guard. There appears to be some sort of image on the coin, but it is too small and too far away to make out properly. Finally, Jørmund notices an unsettling detail about the boy's clothing. While much of the leather comprising it has been dyed, the trim has been left uncolored. Something about the way the leather naturally looks has some morbid part of Jørmund's mind thinking that that is what humanoid skin would look like if put through the same process that turns animal pelts into leather.