[hider=Esben Mathiassen][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/89/e1/8189e1e22a08edd8f3841bf4d3227f46.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=#b3ccff]"Why am I here? I've been sent on an intelligence gathering mission for the Skaeller government, I'm not one of the normal Seeds."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [h1][color=#b3ccff]GENERAL INFORMATION[/color][/h1] [b][color=#b3ccff]Name:[/color][/b] Esben Mathiassen, heir of Baron Cadon [b][color=#b3ccff]Age:[/color][/b] 24 [b][color=#b3ccff]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=#b3ccff]Race:[/color][/b] Sollan [b][color=#b3ccff]Origin:[/color][/b] Skael [hr] [h1][color=#b3ccff]COMBAT INFORMATION[/color][/h1] [b][color=#b3ccff]Class:[/color][/b] Rogue [b][color=#b3ccff]Weapon:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.arms-n-armor.com/cdn/shop/products/Town-Guard-Sword-_192-overall-horiz-900_2048x2048.jpg?v=1585057069]A trusty sidesword.[/url] Well made, well balanced, but understated in appearance—there's no need to be gaudy with a weapon that you actually intend to use. [b][color=#b3ccff]Inventory:[/color][/b] [list][*][url=https://northmen.com/upload/available_items/462/damascus-seax-00001.jpg]A pair[/url] of [url=https://therionarms.com/reenact/therionarms_c1392.jpg]old daggers.[/url] It's always worthwhile to have a backup, especially for those cases where they want you to check your sword at the door. Each is suited to a different use—adaptability is important! [*]A curiously designed [url=https://marozzo.com/content/images/size/w1000/2020/06/brochiero_qgfnby.jpg]ringed buckler[/url]—from the front it appears perfectly normal, however, there are a pair of firearm barrels on the reverse running the width of the small shield, similar to the more common gunblades used among many of Skael's warriors. The handle of the buckler is in fact two pieces, a very stiff (for safety purposes; can't have the sears releasing when the buckler is used as a buckler, after all) compression trigger to fire off both of the barrels. [*]Generalized travelling gear. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d0/8f/f2/d08ff29b92887d39da00c5a106bebaaf.jpg]Hard-wearing clothes,[/url] a proper bedroll, canvas tarp, water resistant cloak, rations, things of that nature. [*]Spare set of dress clothes. Pictured above. Appearances can prove important, and looking like a regular traveller does not always open up the necessary doors. [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/e9/34/afe934785ff2d611d678eb173d7a3a5c.jpg]Traditional Skaeller costume.[/url] Almost never wears it. Mother made him take it with him in case he found people celebrating Skaeller holidays where he might be expected to wear it. Sometimes wears it when having to launder the rest of his clothing. [*]Preserved comfort foods from home. Don't judge him. [*]Akvavit. [*]Coinpurse. [*]One potion. He makes a point to avoid getting in situations where he may need to use it. [*]Spare ammunition.[/list] [b][color=#b3ccff]Materia:[/color][/b] [list][*]Luck Up [*]Parry[/list] [b][color=#b3ccff]Limit Breaks:[/color][/b] [list][*][b]Double Tap.[/b] Adopting what looks like a standard guard position, Esben shifts the buckler in his grip and squeezes the two halves of the handle together, firing off both barrels into his target.[/list] [hr] [h1][color=#b3ccff]PERSONAL INFORMATION[/color][/h1] [b][color=#b3ccff]Appearance Details:[/color][/b] Tall and lithe, possessed of a thin frame that belies the wiry musculature that benefits his chosen occupation. He may be a noble, one expected to eventually return to an administrative role, but he is not [i]soft.[/i] Curiously, he bears fewer scars from training and fighting than one would expect of a graduate of a military academy such as the Garden—but bears more than would be expected that have the appearance and location of resulting from corporal punishment. [b][color=#b3ccff]Personality:[/color][/b] At first glance, Esben appears to be an unassuming young man. His boyish looks are disarming, and he is very forthright and genuine in everything. To some extent, this is an intentional behavior; his stature could seem imposing on anyone who did not foster such a non-threatening personality, but instead he seems to shrink away, sliding into the background, where he can sit in his own quiet counsel, alternately observing those around him and introspecting when his own thoughts take precedence over what he sees and hears. To assume that such is the sum total of his being is a mistake that has benefited him and his goals multiple times, and with any luck, will continue to do so. He is a man of strong moral fiber. The actions he takes in service to Skael are an unfortunate necessity, but even then there are some things he will refuse to do.; he goes out of his way to avoid saying even the most innocuous white lie, and never hestitates to rectify it if he [i]is[/i] forced to lie, and otherwise is utterly honest about everything he can be. He will refuse to engage in torture even if valuable information could be obtained by it, and he will exhaust every opportunity he can to get others to voluntarily give him or tell him what he needs before he'll resort to thieving it. Alongside his forthrightness and honesty, he is extremely blunt, with little to no respect for the station of whoever he is speaking to. Another trait inherited from his father, though due to the clear devotion his family has always held to their land and duties, they've managed to avoid making many enemies within Skael's borders acting as they do. He is not, however, soft at all; as stated, the actions he has to undertake are an unfortunate necessity, but he will see them through. If necessary, he will not hesitate to kill. He has no qualms against making threats and demands and seeing them through if the situation necessitates it, and is utterly inured to violence and pain both, courtesy of his education at the Garden. [b][color=#b3ccff]Biography:[/color][/b] (Bullet points because I'm feeling too lazy to write a narrative for this.) [list][*]Born to the Baron Cadon and his wife. Given a comprehensive education from an early age, including in how to manage his family's fief, dealing with people of all stripes, combat, and more, with extensive input [i]from[/i] his father directly. [*]Per the recommendation of his swordsmanship instructor and his father's wishes, sent to the Garden shortly after his sixteenth birthday to continue his education. [*]His skills are gradually drawn out by the instructors at the Garden, especially by Herr Anders; however, the strong sense of right and wrong instilled in him by his father clashes with some of the teachings he is expected to incorporate, leading to multiple disciplinary sentences before his graduation. [*]Witnesses the battle on the rooftops of Solitude when conspirators intended to assassinate the Overseer. Privately wonders what would have come about if they were successful. [*]Despite the various infractions, still graduates in the upper third of his class at the Garden. Is quickly assigned to a fact finding mission and sent northward, leading up to the present day.[/list] [b][color=#b3ccff]Traits:[/color][/b] [list][*]Extremely strong moral fiber. Never lies if he can help it. Always tries to rectify it later if he does. [*]Introspective. [*]Blunt. [*]Very limited emotive capacity. [*]Gives everybody nicknames. [*]Big eater and drinker—despite growing up on some of the best food one could obtain in Skael, he hasn't turned out picky. He just desires to feast at every meal he can.[/list] [b][color=#b3ccff]Relationships:[/color][/b] [list][*][b]Mathias Felixssen, Baron Cadon[/b]—Esben's father and role model. The true guiding force behind the man Esben has become and wants to be; while he did not teach his son many of the skills he uses on a day to day basis, he did form the base of his [i]character.[/i] [*][b]Ada Eyvindsdatter, Baroness Cadon[/b]—Esben's mother. A force of personality to rival the scions of any of the great houses of Skael, if she cared to attempt it. She doesn't—there are better things to waste life on than politics. [*][b]Lene Mathiassdatter Cadon[/b]—Esben's younger sister. Possibly even sharper than he is...at least when it comes to things more suited to handling the family's holdings, he's very out of practice at that. Has never shied away from making jokes that she's "The Spare" for the family, it makes their parents somewhat uncomfortable. Other than at his graduation from the Garden, Esben hasn't seen his family since he first left to study. He doesn't want to be reminded that Lene is an adult now. [*][b]Overseer Baramoux[/b]—The big boss. Esben's opinion on the overseer is relatively neutral, but he knows that is the person he ultimately operates under, and there's always the chance that his reports end up on the man's desk. [*][b][i]Herr[/i] Anders[/b]—An older, retired member of the lesser nobility, the hereditary knighthood ([i]Ridderskapet[/i]), hired as Esben's personal instructor in swordsmanship as soon as the boy could hold one. Later, he learned that Anders's primary occupation was as an instructor for the Garden, covering far more than just swordsmanship. Esben still doesn't know his actual family name. [*][b]Dame Commander Éliane Laruelle[/b]—She dueled a conspirator atop the roof of the apartment he was staying at while he studied at the Garden. She also put a hole in said roof, and that room was drafty ever since, although that's as much the landlord's fault for a poor repair as hers for making the hole. He was curious to meet her after he graduated and ask about the conspiracy and who uncovered it, but given that his assignment after graduation sent him outside of Skael entirely as a Seed with even more clandestine orders than most, he's mostly given up on that idea. [/list][/hider]