"[color=808080]Wot would breaking dis kids bones prove?[/color]" surprisingly the orc responded with a incredulous snort, he motioned a big meaty hand to the 'Bad Seed' the boy looked like he was barely of age though impressed by the amount of gear he carried and no doubt the great deal of coin jingling in his pouch to Hammerhand there wasn't much sport in fighting this child.

"[color=808080]Nothin' that's wot, sides' be a waste of time to fight such a scrawny lookin' lil pip-squeak. No honor in beatin' up a [i]fee-bal[/i] child.[/color]" the orc chuckled putting emphasis on his poorly pronounced word, he stared at the kid trying to goad him on.

Of course he wouldn't hesitate to give the kid a whooping, but only if he started something, and only then to put him in his place.

"[color=808080]I fink' your friend ere' has more an issue wif me..Ain't that right kin?[/color]" Hammerhand gave Gorgash a nod, after all it was time the elephant in the room was acknowledged.