[Right][H2][color=#CA9BF7]Fia Blackfire[/color][/H2][/right] [hr] Well, now Fia understood why these items were of great concern to Carnatia, but also why the spellsword might have wanted to bring them along. Though Gray Flame might not have known the specifics, it seemed he had valid concern to the contrary. With a desire to end herself attempting to invade her mind, Fia steeled her resolve. This gnawing at her countenance was not going to break through. Similarly to the skull, the dagger also attempted to sway her mind more towards murderous intents. To harm oneself and to harm others, such a heinous enchantment to inflict on someone. If the wielder of these items were expected to endure such internal torment to use them, that was cruel punishment. Part of Fia wondered if the Sarkaz were immune to such effects, and these were more of a fail safe to prevent enemy faction use. Fia held the skull in her hands. Despite being made of crystal, the skull was actually hollow. It was though this was the actual skull of a living being which happened to be made of a material other than bone. If the dagger was meant to rest within the insert at the forehead, how was the blood absorbed? That aside, Fia put both items back onto the bench. She noticed what appeared to be notes near where she picked up the cursed items. She gather up the pages gingerly and slowly left the table, trying to gauge just how far the effect range was. Once Fia was clear of the crystallized item’s influence, Fia started to skim the notes. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but perhaps there might be some insight into what they discovered experimenting with them. Perhaps it might also have a clue on how it was contained. Depending on what she could find, maybe she could imitate their methods. Of course as soon as Fia started to look through them, a majority of them were in ancient elvish. Before Fia went to Vesemir and Gray with the notes, she decided to look through all of the pages anyway. Maybe she could infer some some information from any diagrams.