[hider=Caden] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=#006400][center]Caden[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/c1/bc/d9c1bc33020d11a9a26976ea568e7507.gif[/img] [b][color=#006400]Character Quote:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=gray][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#006400]Name:[/color][/b] Caden [b][color=#006400]Aliases:[/color][/b] Dragon boy; Shitshifter; [b][color=#006400]Age:[/color][/b] 32 (165) [b][color=#006400]Birthday:[/color][/b] April 19, 1859 [b][color=#006400]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Black/African [b][color=#006400]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Unknown [b][color=#006400]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=#006400]Occupation:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=#006400]Languages:[/color][/b] All of them [b][color=#006400]Supernatural Species:[/color][/b] Shapeshifter [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#006400][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/f7/5f/2ef75fdac925694083a5c71d814f3b2c.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=#006400]Height:[/color][/b] 6’2” [b][color=#006400]Weight:[/color][/b] 200 lbs [b][color=#006400]Body Type:[/color][/b] Mesomorph [b][color=#006400]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Blue/Green but they shimmer and almost look gem-like [b][color=#006400]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Dark Brown [b][color=#006400]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=#006400]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Dragon climbing up right side of back, shoulder, peeking over right shoulder; tattoos along fingers and hands; right arm sleeve; tattoo left arm; piercing left ear; [b][color=#006400]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Caden likes to dress nice. Most of his clothes are of some designer brand or another. He prefers former fitted attire and jackets. Often Caden can be found wearing nice shoes, a pair of slacks with a lighter long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a vest. Will pair it with a coat or jacket. Favours wearing the colour red. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#006400][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][center][color=#006400]Loyal[/color] * [color=gray]Egocentric[/color] * [color=#006400]Humorous[/color] * [color=gray]Overindulgent[/color] *[color=#006400] Resilient[/color] * [color=gray]Out-Spoken[/color][/center][/i] [b][color=#006400]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Would be better to ask what he isn't... [b][color=#006400]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=#006400]Personality:[/color][/b] Upon the first meeting, Caden can come across as overly confident. It can be intimidating as well as annoying. Truthfully, it is his mask. Caden has been alive for a long time and has learned that to get anywhere in life you have to be forthcoming and outspoken about what you want and willing to do whatever it takes to get there. However, Caden is unfailingly loyal to those he cares for. He’s been betrayed before and it has cut him deeply but it hasn’t prevented him from remaining loyal and forming new relationships. [b][color=#006400]Fatal Flaw:[/color][/b] Hedonism [b][color=#006400]Habits:[/color][/b] Flipping objects in his hands (pens, coins e.t.c); Rubbing the back of his neck; [b][color=#006400]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Making & Playing Music; Leaning; Collecting [b][color=#006400]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Losing Family [*] Losing his possessions [*] Deep Water (like ocean deep)[/list] [b][color=#006400]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Music [*] Light (sun, fire, stars, moon, neon lights e.t.c.) [*] Books [*] Anything New [*] Green [*] [/list] [b][color=#006400]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Broken things [*] Dogs [*] Not being able to see the bottom of a lake, pond, river, ocean… [*] Boats [*] Cold [*][/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#006400][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://www.bu.edu/files/2024/01/unnamed-6.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=#006400]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Playing & Writing Music [*] World Knowledge: adaptable, picks up things easily. [*] Persuasion [*] Ambition [*] Fighting/Strength [*] [/list] [b][color=#006400]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] (Must fit what your character knows) [list] [*] Muay Thai [*] Breathing Fire [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=#006400]Magic Item:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [*][/list] [b][color=#006400]What Do They Carry On Them:[/color][/b][list] [*] Watch [*] Bracelets & Rings [*] Cell Phone [*] Clothes [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=#006400]Possessions:[/color][/b][list] [*] Several musical instruments [*] Boooooks [*] Music of all kinds and their respective players [*] Various collections [*] Spears and Poles for fighting [*] Artwork [*] Basically lives in an mansion; if you think it, he has it. [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=#006400][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-06/12/17/asset/c1acf49c2af9/anigif_sub-buzz-3677-1623518828-10.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=#006400]Biography[/color][/b] Caden’s history is old. His family rises from the depths of the earth itself, thriving during the Middle Ages when dragons and magic were synonymous with daily life. This is the time when shapeshifters, creatures who could change their form, reigned. Caden’s family took on the title of Dragonshifter. They were a rare and small group of people who possessed the natural ability to change their form into dragons or smaller reptiles. Any other form they took, they would have needed to touch the creature in order to take its shape. This prestige moved Caden’s family into a position of authority and power. Members of Caden’s family were hired to protect kingdoms and nations. Until one day when they started to be hunted. Tragedy struck a kingdom when the dragon tasked to protect them was killed, and the kingdom fell. Faced with such loss, the neighbouring kingdoms retaliated and chased their dragons from their land before forming a brigade to hunt them. Caden is the last of his line, having been born in the middle of this war. A marriage alliance was proposed to save Caden’s family lineage and stand against the growing power of the human world. However, the alliance failed. [hr][hr][h3][b][color=gray][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/fd0b43bb4b5ca8a38f7262715245b0d4/0e52d4fd1f1d8768-db/s250x400/3d6f2932faaa9380bb11267c49bf197b01a00b09.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=#006400]Theme Song:[/color][/b][/hider]