[b]Name:[/b] Lize van Hemiksem [b]Alias(es):[/b] Klystron (Generic name for robots of her same class, smaller version of Magnetron model enforcers) [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Hair:[/b] Emerald aquamarine. [b]Eyes:[/b] Same as hair. [b]Skin:[/b] Pale white. [b]Height:[/b] 5’10”. [b]Distinctive Features:[/b] Bat ears of the same color as her hair with pink flesh and white inner fluff, quite tall and functional. [b]Likes:[/b] Cleanliness, small trinkets, working with kids or the elderly, pop music, country music. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Unlawful behavior, brown and swarthy colors, disordered/rundown places, heavy metal, EDM. [b]Appearance:[/b] Lize appears like a regular human from the head up save for her bat animal ears and funky colored hair and eyes. Her skin is soft as is her face, much like that of a late teenager or early 20s adult. Her clothing contrasts with this, however. She wears a blue uniform jacket with khaki pants meant for riot police, as well as a pair of black boots shin and knee protections, and a black tactical vest. Under is a heavy-duty frame designed to deal with unrest, black and made of polymers with tight seams and some marks from manufacturers for identifying each piece. [b]Personality:[/b] This klystron behaves as its face would indicate. Lize is a public servant before she is a protester mincer and rebel decapitator. She always tries to remain positive and to listen to those around her. Though she has her doubts on whether she is sentient, she always tries to think of humane ways to deal with altercations and misunderstandings. So long as the other person follows the law that is, and when they are not in the way of her objectives or are the objective. [b]Powers, Skills, and Abilities:[/b] Though lacking magic, Lize makes up for that with raw gamma fusion powered raw mechanical power. Her joins are tight and impede debris from entering the mechanisms inside while also being flexible and ballistically reinforced. Her job was to deal with low intensity combatants, which is what her body is designed to handle. She has fast movements when up close and night perfect aim and technique to immobilize or neutralize targets with the right weapons, but her overall mobility is only 50-60% better than that of a regular human soldier while weighting twice as much. For sensing and data processing she has a decentralized control system with many brains scattered across her body to avoid terminal damage from just a single hit. Her ears act as antennas and specialized microphones for detecting crimes and intercepting signals. Her head is the only exposed spot she has, but it is also harder to strike due to higher mobility from reduced weight. Though rudimentary at best, her onboard computer can crack commercial encryption and amateurish encryption usually in use by rebels. Her repair systems likewise consist of just a tool cloth that can only fix non-essential components like her limb mechanisms and armor plates, more sensitive equipment will most likely be lost forever if damaged. Her artificial intelligence model is based on retired Dutch KTC veterans who volunteered to have their brain scanned for the security of their own country and to prevent human deaths in combat. They are now used extensively in unstable areas outside of the Netherlands to kill rebels for corporate interests. [b]Equipment:[/b] A foldable baton with a built-in taser. A machine pistol with variable trajectory rounds, good for aiming at the knees or head, as well as 4 spare 33 round magazines for it. She also had a motorcycle for better mobility. [b]Your Last Memory:[/b] Beating up a rioter bare handed, blood dripping from her gloved hand. [b]Additional Plot Hooks:[/b] Lize is unsure whether she is sentient. Her own programming makes her want to go back to law enforcement, but she is unsure if that is out of her own volition or because of how she was made. Regardless, it is the one career path she thinks will best suit her due to her own physiology.