[center][h1][color=2f0002]Nero[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429798970546454538/1223428350387683368/Nero_Banner2.png?ex=6619d170&is=66075c70&hm=6fd1d1f722794cea6efe679cced05df295f6cfc17c9e95dfadd439f65ad8f190&[/img] [b][color=2f0002]Location:[/color] Chicago, IL[/b] [b][color=2f0002]Skills:[/color][/b]Smoke Form[/center] [hr][hr] With the proper motivation, I make it to Chicago and immediately order some demons to start gathering information for me. Crowley might not have been forthcoming with what exactly this pet was, but it did make for an interesting riddle to solve. Already, there sat a stack of reports my subordinates had found. First things first though, I have kitties to appease. I make sure the food and water bowls are full for the cats and set several inside and outside. Not hesitating with me at all, a [url=https://preview.redd.it/selc1u0qivz41.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5e6b8382f0f55f75af0dadaac3dea2b21e4c3287]black cat[/url] brushes up against my leg. Not one to be left out, a [url=https://petkeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/shutterstock_722595979-760x507.jpg]white cat[/url] uses my other leg to stretch upwards. I pick up both and cradle one in each arm. [color=2f0002]”Oh Luci,”[/color]I coo to the black cat before turning to the white one. [color=2f0002]“And Mika. My darlings.”[/color] Carrying them both inside with me, I brush my nose against theirs. Don’t tell any of the other cats in Chicago, but these two were my favorites. I place both the cuties in my most recently acquired [url=https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HYMoRO5WcYLtqI2A3GV8o7cllpk=/0x0:637x1000/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:637x1000):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9582675/architects_weird_shelters_homeless_cats_HKS_MeghanBobPhotography.jpg]cat tree[/url] that sat in my office and carefully scratch each one under their chin, eliciting a chorus of purrs. Content for now, I head towards the stack waiting for me.