[h2]Fujiwara no Mokou[/h2] With the wind amplifying the resultant firestorm into something [i]way[/i] more impressive than Mokou's own flame whirlwind--now wouldn't those be a fun pair to combine?--it came as quite a surprise that the centipede was still alive. Now, normally one would think that a ground-bound insect isn't going to provide much of a threat to someone who can effortlessly fly and manoeuvre in three dimensions, but there was a crucial point at play here: the canopy overhead was somewhat restrictive, and [i]this[/i] centipede was actually huge. She would probably have avoided it fine if its survival wasn't so surprising. Which lead to her current predicament: being smashed out of the sky, and pinned under a creature that was far too big for her to [i]possibly[/i] move it. Oh, and it had broken something in its flailing. Probably a shin bone? It [i]was[/i] her leg that was hurting--oh, her neck too, guess [i]that[/i] had gotten broken. That explained the position, must have died there-- Oh, crap it was biting her. Wasn't it full!? That fucking [i]hurt,[/i] more than the leg thing did, now it was... well, she'd probably find out what the hell the venom was doing later, but probably "nothing good". Actually, it felt kind of weird already. Being bitten didn't normally hurt [i]internally[/i] like that... She should probably do something about this, right? But burning it externally hadn't done much, and even if its underside was squishier, she couldn't really move much. But... its mouth [i]was[/i] right there, and her arm was probably functionally useless anyway. Tuning out all the screaming--seemed the vampire had finally stopped freaking out?--Mokou took the [i]entirely[/i] reasonable step of shoving her arm into the giant centipede's mouth as possible. See if it would survive an exploding fireball [i]inside its own head[/i].