[center][h1][color=2f0002]Nero[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429798970546454538/1223428350387683368/Nero_Banner2.png?ex=6619d170&is=66075c70&hm=6fd1d1f722794cea6efe679cced05df295f6cfc17c9e95dfadd439f65ad8f190&[/img] [b][color=2f0002]Location:[/color] Chicago, IL[/b] [b][color=2f0002]Skills:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr] I raise my eyebrows in appreciation for not just knowing the language, but also speaking it flawlessly. The taller one was interesting, to say the least. Making it obvious I am checking him out, I look him up and down before I answer. [color=2f0002]”Ich habe mich noch nicht entschieden.”[/color] I shoot him a wink before taking a seat on the detective’s desk and crossing my legs. [color=2f0002]”Was macht ein Prachtexemplar wie Sie hier?[/color] I bat my eyes at him with a coy smirk. [hider=Translations]”I haven’t decided yet.” “What’s a fine specimen like you doing here?”[/hider]