[center][h1][color=2f0002]Nero[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429798970546454538/1223428350387683368/Nero_Banner2.png?ex=6619d170&is=66075c70&hm=6fd1d1f722794cea6efe679cced05df295f6cfc17c9e95dfadd439f65ad8f190&[/img] [b][color=2f0002]Location:[/color] Chicago, IL[/b] [b][color=2f0002]Skills:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr] Watching with increasing interest, I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees. My hands hold up my head. I will never admit it to the Leprechaun, but getting involved with this was proving to be entertaining. The third person finally steps in and I sit up when she starts using magic, magic that didn’t come from those of us down in hell as far as I could tell. I watched her move to be next to the shifter before she asks me a question. [color=2f0002]”Oh, only when there’s something interesting going on.”[/color] I tell her with a smile. [color=2f0002]”Although, last time I was in Chicago for business was back in…”[/color] I tap my chin as I think about it. [color=2f0002]”What was is, 1929? There was some kind of love holiday going on or something.”[/color] I shrug before leaning towards her, sure that if my eyes could sparkle like an anime character, they would be. [color=2f0002]”Now, I’d love to ask [i]you[/i] about what just happened with the pig and you.” [/color] [hider=Historical Footnote] The 1929 Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre was the cold blood murder of seven members of the Chicago’ North Side Gang by unknown assailants. The incident was a result of a power struggle between the Irish North Siders and Italian South Siders. [/hider]