[center][h1][color=2f0002]Nero[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429798970546454538/1223428350387683368/Nero_Banner2.png?ex=6619d170&is=66075c70&hm=6fd1d1f722794cea6efe679cced05df295f6cfc17c9e95dfadd439f65ad8f190&[/img] [b][color=2f0002]Location:[/color] Chicago, IL[/b] [b][color=2f0002]Skills:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr] [color=2f0002]”Oh stop, you’ll make me blush.”[/color] I tell the flirt, sending a wink at his reflection in the rear view mirror. “I’m Cassiopeia,” The other says and I redirect my attention to her as she introduces herself and Caden. When she tells me she won’t divulge her power source to me, I fake a pout. [color=2f0002]”Well, you’re no fun.”[/color] I tell Cassiopeia before I turn to Caden. [color=2f0002]”Well that must come in handy.”[/color] I tell him with a newfound appreciation, giving him a once over again. [color=2f0002]”Sind deine Eltern Architekten? Denn du bist wie ein Meisterwerk.”[/color] I shoot a wink his way before settling back in my seat. [color=2f0002]“Am I correct to assume you’ve both been keeping an eye on our missing pet this whole time?”[/color] As much as I would like to shamelessly continue flirting, Crowley’s prize is much more lucrative and far less likely to end up boring me. [hider=Translations[/hider] “Are your parents architects? Because you are a masterpiece.”[/hider]