[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/gdz5xJQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XUvv02U.png[/img][hr][hr][hr][/center] The ride to the Washington household was…. [color=764820][i]”🎵... Stop, don't stop, don't stop giving me things! Stop, don't stop, don't stop laughing about it! Stop, don't stop, don't stop! 🎵"[/i][/color] … [i]Something else[/i]. Lisa sang along with the radio loudly, having a ball of her own as she sat in the back seat with Vanessa (who was sitting up) and Ella. She rocked her head back and forth as she sung. Clementine wiped her face. “... She was [i]literally[/i] fighting for her life like ten minutes ago,” Clementine griped. “[i]How[/i] does she [i]still[/i] have the energy to be a goofball?” [color=764820]”Because I’m [i][b]fab[/b]-ulous![/i]”[/color] Lisa laughed. [color=DC143C]"Eventually, you gain the ability to zone it out,"[/color] Saskia said tiredly. “... [b][i]When?![/i][/b]” Clementine laughed. [color=e77fbf]"Heyyy, can we change the channel? Maybe there's one with a song I know, then we can both sing!"[/color] Ella shouted, leaning forward. [color=DC143C]"... Please no,"[/color] Saskia muttered. [color=764820]”You only know some weeb-ass anime music!”[/color] Lisa shouted back. [color=e77fbf]"I don't! I know some normal music!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"... Can you please stop shouting,"[/color] Saskia groaned. Then, to Clementine, they said, [color=DC143C]"This is what I’ve had to deal with the past few days."[/color] [color=764820]”See! Even you think anime music is [i]weird![/i]”[/color] Lisa shouted back. Clementine turned towards Saskia and stared at a thick tree they were coming up on. “You know that tree is looking [i]real[/i] nice right now…” [color=e77fbf]"It’s not abnormal, it’s special!"[/color] Ella yelled, volume somehow getting louder. [color=e77fbf]"Normal music is boring."[/color] [color=DC143C]"I agree about the tree…"[/color] Saskia said, staring at it. [color=764820]”No it’s not!”[/color] Lisa replied. [color=764820]”You just haven’t heard real music! Nor have you taken a shower, much like real anime fans!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"What?! I took a shower last night! You heard me!"[/color] Ella pointed a finger at Lisa. [color=e77fbf]"It’s cleaner than sleeping with spiders on me!"[/color] [color=764820]”Spiders are clean animals!”[/color] Lisa retorted, [color=764820]”Did you know they [i]groom[/i] themselves?! Their webs too?! They clean themselves immediately after touching a person! And I know [i]my[/i] spiders do the same after they touch you.”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"... they do?"[/color] Ella paused, eyes widening. [color=e77fbf]"I didn’t know that! That’s kind of cool! I’m sorry spiders- but the point is, I also shower! I really want to clean myself now after that nasty man touched me!"[/color] [color=764820]”Like that was the first time that happened, Ella!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"It was the first time! The only other man who’s ever touched me is my Tuxedo Mask body pillow!"[/color] [color=764820]”... Are you forgetting about your [i]uncle?[/i]”[/color] Lisa teased, sticking her tongue out. Ella tilted her head. [color=e77fbf]"I don’t have a- OH! He wasn’t technically my uncle, he was-"[/color] The car suddenly stopped as Clementine’s head whipped to the back seat. [h3][i][b]”... WILL YOU TWO CUT IT THE FUCK OUT!”[/b][/i][/h3] She screamed at the top of her lungs and then panted over and over again. She put her hand to her face as she said, “There really ain’t no question about who you two are because you’re [i]stiill[/i] as annoying as ever…” She shook her head. [color=764820]”S-sorry,”[/color] Lisa stammered out. [color=e77fbf]"Heyyy, we’re not that annoying, you just don’t understand our friendship,"[/color] Ella pouted. [color=DC143C]"You absolutely are-"[/color] Saskia jerked her head towards the front. [color=DC143C]"Watch the road."[/color] “... We’re not driving,” Clementine said. “I need a second, or else I’ll drive us all off a cliff!” [color=DC143C]"Oh yeah."[/color] Saskia turned back to look at Ella. [color=DC143C]"Be quieter."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Yesss boss,"[/color] Ella agreed, eventually, looking at Clementine sheepishly. [color=e77fbf]"Sorry."[/color] “Thank you…” Clementine hit the gas pedal before she added, “We’re almost there anyway.” The rest of the car ride was quiet and smooth, and Lisa had to hold the urge to chatter anyway because it seemed a little bit awkward. Finally, it stopped, and Lisa’s head whipped around to the side. She eyed [url=https://i.imgur.com/yrwkU1s.jpeg]a modest, one-story home.[/url] Clementine shut the car off and grumbled something under her breath before she threw a hand up in that direction. “... Welcome to our humble abode,” Clementine said as she opened the door. “Can you three help Vanessa in?” [color=764820]”I can try!”[/color] Lisa snorted, [color=764820]”You gotta remember she’s over six feet tall, and I’m [i]tiny![/i]”[/color] Clementine rolled her eyes. “... [i]Noted,”[/i] [color=e77fbf]"Don't worry, I've got this!"[/color] Ella said, hooking her arm around Vanessa and awkwardly trying to drag her out. The height difference wasn't as bad but it still wasn't really working. [color=DC143C]"Why don't we take her legs,"[/color] Saskia suggested, looking at Lisa. [color=764820]”... I’m [b][i]not[/i][/b] trying that!”[/color] Lisa awkwardly laughed, then waved her arms in front of her. [color=764820]”You see [i]these[/i] noodle arms?!”[/color] Then laughed again. “... I can stand just fine,” Vanessa rolled her eyes as she raised a hand to her head. She stood up to her feet, stumbling over before she braced herself on Ella. “Just help me walk, and make sure I don’t bash my brains in on the front stairs…” [color=764820]”Lemme get the gate!”[/color] Lisa hurried to the front entrance and opened it for Saskia and Ella. [color=e77fbf]"Alright, I got you!"[/color] Ella properly wrapped her arm around Vanessa to support her. Saskia walked in front of them, half twisted around as if ready to catch her if she fell. Clementine led the group to the front door and quickly dug into her pockets until she pulled out her keys. She stuck them in, opened them, and stepped inside—pivoting on her heel as she turned around to face the group. She held the door open and gave everyone a great view of [url=https://i.imgur.com/ZRGQMIq.jpeg]their living room[/url]. She then pointed at the sofa and ordered, “Lay her down on the sofa.” [color=e77fbf]"Alright!"[/color] Ella supported Vanessa over to the sofa, helping her down onto it, before looking around the room with wide eyes. [color=e77fbf]"Whoa, this is massive!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"Being a fed pays, huh,"[/color] Saskia said, sitting down on the sofa themself. They were still a bit paler than normal, raising a hand to massage their forehead. [color=DC143C]"This is way better than the motel room… bet there's more than two beds."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"But why would we need more than one bed?!”[/color] Ella exclaimed. “Hehe…” Clementine rubbed the back of her neck. “There’s only two beds in here. We don’t get a lot of guests.” [color=e77fbf]"Oh that’s okay, we’ll share!”[/color] Ella said cheerfully. [color=e77fbf]"Me and Lisa like sharing and Saskia promised to be the middle spoon tonight anyway.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Less promised, more bullied into it so you can’t say I ‘have no game’,"[/color] Saskia rolled their eyes. [color=764820]”Hey now!”[/color] Lisa shouted, [color=764820]”Who says we all can’t cuddle?!”[/color] she robotically turned her head towards Clementine. “.,, I’ll sleep on the couch tonight,” Clementine replied. [color=e77fbf]"Awwww you could’ve been the biggest spoon, Clem,”[/color] Ella pouted. [color=e77fbf]"Now I’ll never know what it’s like to be a littler spoon…”[/color] “I have enough towels and toiletries here for everyone,” Clementine said. “Just uhhh… no clothes that’d fit you three.” [color=DC143C]"I’m sure we can make do with at least a change of shirt, even if it’s too big,"[/color] Saskia shrugged. [color=e77fbf]"Oh yeah, I’m comfy to just wear that, as long as it covers my ass!”[/color] Ella nodded. [color=764820]”I mean I wouldn’t mind if it didn’t…”[/color] Lisa mused. Saskia face palmed. [color=DC143C]"I meant keeping on your own pants, idiot."[/color] “I mean I don’t think you three want to walk around in dirty clothes all night!” Clementine laughed. [color=DC143C]"It’s not that bad…"[/color] Saskia trailed off, looking down at their own clothes. They were stained with blood and covered in dust. [color=DC143C]"You’re right. Anything else is fine, as long as Ella’s ass is covered."[/color] [color=764820]”Oh, stop acting like you wouldn’t like it as much as [i]I[[/i] would,”[/color] Lisa laughed. [color=DC143C]"Shhhh,"[/color] Saskia hissed, glaring at Lisa as if she’d just spilled the biggest totally not obvious secret. [color=DC143C]"Don’t out me like this."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Huh?”[/color] Ella tilted her head, clearly not getting it. She then turned to Clementine. [color=e77fbf]"Well, since that’s decided, we should all take showers and get changed, right, girls? Then we can discuss what happened!”[/color] [color=764820]”Yeah!”[/color] Lisa shouted, thrusting a fist into the air. [hr] After a good amount of time, the three finally took showers. Thankfully, the Washingtons had two different showers, so they wouldn’t have to wait forever just to shower. Afterward, Clementine provided the three girls random tee shirts… which looked comically large on Lisa and Saskia. Lisa herself hopped on the sofa with the other two, and Clementine walked out and sat down some distance away from them. “I…” Clementine said, “Okay, okay. You three are still as annoying as I remembered, but… it feels surreal having you back after so long. I kind of missed it, not gonna lie…” [color=e77fbf]"Aww, we missed you too!”[/color] Ella grinned. [color=e77fbf]"Though for us it… hasn’t really been that long.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"It’s nice to be back,"[/color] Saskia sighed. They sat with their legs tucked under them, completely covered by the t-shirt, which only made it look more comical. [color=DC143C]"”... wait, how have I been annoying?"[/color] “By association,” Clementine then sighed. “But it’s been [i]ten years,[/i] Ella. Ten [i]long[/i] years. I’m not going to sit here and act like we were tight, but Jesus...” [color=764820]”... Did you beat the Stygian Skake?”[/color] Lisa asked. [color=764820]”Is the Coven still around?”[/color] “Yes, we did… and no its [i]not,[/i]” Clementine shook her head and looked at the ground; she then shrugged. “There is a reason why I called it the [i]old[/i] Coven… Well, I mean, here’s what practically happened…” She put her hands together and explained, “No one in the Coven really [i]liked[/i] each other. Sure, there were [i]always[/i] cliques like… you three and Kari, the smart kids, et cetera. But at the end of the day, most of the Old Coven were fighting for one united cause and only looked past each other’s… quirks for the greater good.” She shrugged, putting her hands back into her lap, “Once the Stygian Snake was gone, and St. Portwell turned into a shit show… well, a band of teenaged brats with magic acted like… [i]a band of teenaged brats with magic.[/i]” She looked at Lisa and said, “There was bickering like [i]crazy[/i], and lots of fucked up shit that people were doing in the dark came to light. It was chaotic, and Ashley, Daisy, and Auri barely did anything except play favorites. People were getting voted out left and right; if they weren’t kicked out, they left. ‘Nessa and I tried to pull through, but the Coven got too toxic for us in the end, and we left.” She shook her head one last time, “Sometimes I wonder if you three were there, things would have been different…” [color=DC143C]"Ella and Lisa always had a way of bringing people together, somehow,"[/color] Saskia said softly, glancing at them both. There was a hint of… sorrow in her expression, minute but just visible. [color=DC143C]"Everything has to end."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"What kind of ‘fucked up shit’ came to light?”[/color] Ella asked, surprisingly honing in on that where Saskia didn’t. [color=e77fbf]"Was it Greyson? I always found him a bit weird.”[/color] “Well, at the end of the day, Greyson just... stole shit and was an asshole,” Clementine shrugged. “One of the two big things that happened was that Britney… she was cursing people and adjoining them to Apparitions to rope them into the Old Coven.” [color=764820]”Wait! [b][i]Really?![/i][/b]”[/color] Lisa tilted her head at the revelation. [color=764820]”Like how? Why? She was always so nice…”[/color] “Beats me,” Clementine shrugged before she leaned back in her chair. “It was [i]sooooooooo[/i] fucked up though… I couldn’t see Britney the same.” [color=e77fbf]"No way, I liked Britney!"[/color] Ella gasped, shaking her head. Saskia frowned. [color=DC143C]"There were… a lot of people she saved that ended up adjoined. Like Luca. Remember him? Lisa dangled him from a spider once."[/color] “... And how could I forget that?” Clementine laughed. “Nessa and I joked about how fuckin’ nuts that was. Like… ‘Oh no, Scott Reese is after us, let me just dangle this m-f from a flying spider’... Okay, I’m getting off subject here,” She laughed before that smile turned utterly straight. “... [i]Britney[/i] adjoined him,” Clementine answered. “And to my knowledge, he still has it, but I don’t know. It’s been ten years, maybe he got it fixed.” [color=DC143C]"Seriously? That thing was ruining his life,"[/color] Saskia grimaced. [color=764820]”I mean… she was [i]such[/i] a nice person…”[/color] Lisa was at a loss for words. “That’s how people like Britney be,” Clementine began, “They act nice to hide how they [i]really[/i] are. To make you think ‘Naw, she would never do something like [i]that[/i]’.” She shook her head. “[i]Fuckin’ monster,[/i]” She hissed, “It’s part of the reason why me and ‘Nessa do this: to stop people like Britney and to help victims like Luca.” [color=DC143C]"Do this as in… the magical feds?"[/color] Saskia asked, raising an eyebrow. [color=DC143C]"[I]Clearly[/I] there's people like Britney in your ranks."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Yeah! That Stauber guys a real piece of work!"[/color] Ella shouted. “Look, we know,” Clementine said, “But there’s a process here. Like I said before, we’d need [i]proof[/i] to do anything about it. But, if it were up to me, he would…” She then finger-quoted, “...[i]‘fall out of a window’[/i] and it’d be over and done with, but [i]sadly[/i] it don’t work like that.” [color=e77fbf]"We can push him out a window for you!"[/color] Ella said cheerfully. Saskia nodded before asking ominously, [color=DC143C]"Do you have any paper and a pen?"[/color] “Yes…” Clementine said as she reached into a nearby drawer and handed Saskia a tiny notepad with a pen. “... Please tell me you’re not going to draw anything crazy.” [color=DC143C]"Of course not,"[/color] Saskia said, beginning to sketch a vague human shape. [color=e77fbf]"I hope you're drawing us this time!"[/color] Ella said, leaning over to watch for a moment. [color=e77fbf]"She'll be a while… What was the other big thing?"[/color] Clementine sighed. “.... Remember Alizée? I mean, you probably do…” She shrugged. [color=764820]”It’s only been like a week since we’ve seen them from our perspective,”[/color] Lisa shrugged. [color=764820]”She was that creepy gal with the creepy Apparition, right?”[/color] “Right,“ Clementine flatly answered with a shrug. “Well, he was making her go around and bleed innocents dry,” [color=764820]”Like a… like a [i]Vampire?[/i]”[/color] Lisa said. “Well, he apparent- yeah, like a vampire,” Clementine began. “Except without blood.” [color=764820]”I mean… I always thought [i]she[/i] was weird,”[/color] Lisa awkwardly laughed. “I would say the pot calling the kettle black,” Clementine said, “But, she was a whole different kind of fucked up. That Apparition… Despite the Coven shitting on her, they never did anything to help her [i]or[/i] stop her. So, she’s probably still out there hurting people. [i]As. We. Speak.[/i]” [color=e77fbf]"Seriously? Nobody actually stopped her?"[/color] Ella shook her head, grabbing her Channeler and holding it against her chest. [color=e77fbf]"Maybe when we're done here we can go sort her out!"[/color] [color=764820]”Yeah!”[/color] Lisa shouted, throwing a fist in the air. “That’s to my knowledge,” Clementine answered. “I haven’t been to St. Portwell in a long time, nor have I really kept in contact with the Old Coven. So maybe someone with sense took care of her. Maybe she’s still out there. Who knows.” She shrugged. [color=e77fbf]"Well we'll be going to St Portwell when everything's done! We can make sure everything's good. Right?"[/color] Ella looked at Saskia and Lisa. [color=DC143C]"Right,"[/color] Saskia nodded. [color=DC143C]"We can't leave just now, but when we can…"[/color] [color=764820]”Where else would we go!?”[/color] Lisa laughed. [color=764820]”We [i]clearly[/i] need to get back there. They’re obviously lost without us….”[/color] “That’s what I been meaning to ask about…” Clementine trailed off, “... You said the [i]Hound[/i] brought you three back for a mission or two?” She tilted her head. [color=764820]”Yes, two missions, but our first mission is defeating a fella’ named Morningstar,”[/color] Lisa answered. “I have no clue who that is,” Clementine said. “But, that’s… weird…” [color=764820]”What’s weird about it?”[/color] Lisa answered. [color=764820]”You don’t want us to come back?!”[/color] “No, I’m not saying [i]that…[/i]” Clementine began, before she narrowed her eyes, “I’m just saying the timing of it all. You three return ten years later when shit’s brewing. There has to be something [i]else[/i] going on here.” [color=e77fbf]"Well the hound said someone asked for a favour, so maybe that person knew we were needed?"[/color] Ella tilted her head. [color=e77fbf]"Clearly things haven't been going well without us around… I bet if everyone gets together to solve these, uh, murders, they'll just fight again!"[/color] “Again, it’s just a weird ass hunch,” Clementine shrugged, “But, I doubt the Coven’s [i]ever[/i] going to reform. You weren’t there to see how badly shit was going after the Snake was defeated. We must have really [i]hated[/i] each other, but we lost the one thing that was letting us push it aside.” She shook her head, “If it reforms, I’ll eat my shoe.” [color=764820]”It was [i]that[/i] bad?”[/color] Lisa asked. “[i]It was that bad.[/i]” [color=DC143C]"Doesn't surprise me,"[/color] Saskia said, without looking up from their drawing. [color=e77fbf]"But you were always negative!"[/color] Ella rolled her eyes. [color=e77fbf]"Just you wait well get back, reform the coven and then you'll have to eat your shoe!"[/color] “You can try,” Clementine said, “But, you have to understand the Coven fell apart for a [i]reason[/i].” [color=e77fbf]"... Well, I'm sure we can find something else to unite everyone again,"[/color] Ella said. [color=DC143C]"Like murder,"[/color] Saskia intoned. [color=e77fbf]"Yes like murder- wait no! That makes it sound like we're going to start murdering!"[/color] [color=764820]”I mean, that wouldn’t be a [i]bad thing[/i] now would it?”[/color] Lisa said. [color=DC143C]"It wouldn't,"[/color] Saskia nodded. Clementine facepalmed. [color=e77fbf]"Oh!"[/color] Ella suddenly jerked forward, as if she just remembered something. [color=e77fbf]"Why were you going after that stripper? What was her name… some gem… oh, Sapphire! What did she do?"[/color] [color=764820]”... [i]Neon,[/i]”[/color] Lisa corrected. [color=764820]”Sapphire was the other ass-shaker.”[/color] “Neon…? You mean Guadalupe Sanchez?” Clementine asked, raising an eyebrow. “We suspect that she’s a member of The Society - in addition to being a drug peddler - so we figured we’d bring her in for questioning.” [color=764820]”By who? I mean, [i]who[/i] confirmed her as a member?”[/color] Lisa asked. “Agent Stauber…” Clementine trailed off. “We got proof and everything.” [color=764820]”I mean, Stauber is clearly a dirty agent - you said so yourself! How do we know he’s telling the truth?”[/color] Lisa asked, tilting her head. [color=764820]”He actually works for The Society. He uses PRA resources to take out their targets.”[/color] “I mean, we have a warrant out for her arrest,” Clementine noted, “What [i]do[/i] you suggest we do?” [color=e77fbf]"Undo the warrant!"[/color] Ella exclaimed. [color=e77fbf]"Or I dunno, give her witness protection! Whatever you police do!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"Your information is clearly shit,"[/color] Saskia pointed out, not holding back. [color=DC143C]"You don’t even know who Morningstar is. He’s the Society overlord. Stauber would [i]definitely[/i] know who he is.“[/color] [color=e77fbf]"He would- oh, maybe we can find her and protect her!"[/color] Ella suggested. [color=764820]”All you have to do is put that big butt in the way and she’s untouchable!”[/color] Lisa shouted, raising a fist in the air. “I mean I can’t just undo a warrant with what we actually have on her,” Clementine shook her head. “But, look, I’ll make an offer: if you three can prove her innocence, we’ll gladly drop the warrants.” [color=764820]”... How do we do that?”[/color] Lisa shrugged. “I’m sure you can find a way,” Clementine said. [color=e77fbf]"Why does everyone throw us into situations with no help!"[/color] Ella wailed. [color=764820]”Because we [i]are[/i] the help!”[/color] Lisa bubbly said, [color=764820]”Everyone we meet knows how capable we are… We killed Mala’Boolaan after all.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Don’t worry,"[/color] Saskia chuckled, a soft, evil sound. [color=DC143C]"It’ll be easy. I know a way."[/color] [color=764820]”Does it involve spiders? [i]Can[/i] it involve spiders?”[/color] Lisa asked. Clementine facepalmed. “How about we talk about it in the morning? You three [i]clearly[/i] need some sleep. A lot of it.” [color=764820]”... I mean we were asleep for ten years!”[/color] Lisa laughed. [color=e77fbf]”Yeah, we’ve slept too long!"[/color] Ella punched the air. Clementine sighed. “... It’s so good to have you back.” [color=DC143C]"If anything I feel invigorated."[/color] Saskia nodded, looking at Lisa. [color=DC143C]"Now, my plan. Don’t worry, it involves spiders. So…"[/color] Saskia held up the drawing she’d been working on. It was rough, depicting a man… bound in a chair, seemingly. It would be difficult to tell who it was if she hadn’t drawn an arrow pointing to him with ‘STAUBER’ written in block capitals. Beside him were three girls… Again, rough sketches, but other things pointed to who they were. Lisa was vomiting spiders on him, Saskia was torturing him with a blood tentacle and Ella was watching with a thumbs up. Saskia had made sure to draw bones sticking into his torso, acid wounds and spiders all over him. [color=DC143C]"We capture Stauber and torture him for information."[/color] Clementine’s jaw dropped. [color=764820]”Yeah, she’s an amazing artist, isn’t she?!”[/color] Lisa shouted, putting both of her thumbs up. “Okay, bed. [i]Right now.[/i] All three of you!” Clementine got up and grabbed Lisa by the shoulders and pushed her towards her bedroom. “Don’t do anything weird in my bed please. Also no spiders!” [color=764820]”... Awww.”[/color] Lisa groaned. Saskia and Ella begrudgingly followed. But, Saskia made sure to say, as she placed the picture on the coffee table, [color=DC143C]"You can have it, Clementine. A gift."[/color] “I’m goo- okay sure!” Clementine smiled as she pushed them into her bed room. A regular bedroom with plenty of candles that were not lit yet. Lisa shrugged as she looked at Saskia and Ella. [color=764820]”Remember the [i]cuddle order[/i] gals,”[/color] Lisa began, then pointed at Saskia. [color=764820]”You spoon me - [sup]No tiddy grabbing tho’[/sup].”[/color] Then she pointed at Ella, [color=764820]”Then [i]you[/i] spoon her. Deal?”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Fine,"[/color] Saskia sighed. [color=DC143C]"But make sure I can breath."[/color] [color=e77fbf]”Got it!"[/color] Ella grinned. [color=e77fbf]”I’m gonna sleep so well tonight, I just know it!"[/color] [color=764820]”Me too!”[/color] Lisa then loudly yawned. [color=764820]”Let’s hit the hay, girls… I’m [i]beat.[/i]”[/color] She climbed on the bed, laying on her side. Saskia stared at the bed for the moment, only getting on when Ella shoved her. She slotted in behind Lisa, wriggling up so she could breathe, before loosely hugging her. Ella cheerfully jumped on behind them both - arms long enough she could pretty much hug them both! [color=764820]”... Night girls!”[/color] Lisa shouted. [color=DC143C]"... night."[/color] [color=e77fbf]”Sweet dreams!"[/color] Ella shouted back. [color=e77fbf]”... and no morning spiders!"[/color]