Tigger warning for mentions of hospitalization in the extras, but I think that's it. [hider=Sully][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/edc61283-9c01-4c39-905e-99fab4cd17ef.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8oTYFbb.gif[/img] [sub][i]Sullivan Munroe Harper[/I][/sub] [img]GIF/IMAGE[/img] [sup][h3]17 • M • Straight? • He/Him • Single[/h3] (FC: Tom Holland; Dialogue: [color=c45508][b]c45508[/b][/color]) [/sup] [/center] [center][color=0877c4]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/center] [center][h3]Intro[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] reputation[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Whatever reputation I’ve got probably ain’t all that warranted, honestly, since I don’t really think I did anythin’ to gain one aside from my work program requirements. No one gets a choice about seein’ the Mornin’ Show so my face and name are on screen every day. People did know me before I started here through my streamin’ and Tiktoks, though, which was pretty wild but also gave people a bit of a misperception of me. I’m a, uh, a hottie, accordin’ to a lot of comments, and considered part of the [i]E-Thots[/i]? Some girls told me they watch my DIY videos on the chance that I take off my shirt while workin’ which like? Sorry but it’s hot as fuck out and I’ve been workin’ under the sun, I wasn’t tryin’ to be a thirst trap or whatever the hell they called me. I thought it was pretty weird that someone would watch my videos and not want to learn about whatever I was buildin’, but the other streamers told me it was normal which…to each their own I guess? Um, can we not show my ma this?”[/color] [/indent] [sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] current dilemma[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]"I mean...all my money goes into payin' for what my scholarship can't or supportin' my ma and our home, whether she wants to accept my help or not. I managed to get all our medical bills cleared without her knowin' thanks to uncle Del's help, but I really want to do more for her. I don't know if I gotta ramp up my streamin' or actually become the e-thot everyone wants me to be, it's not that I even really care about the money aside from what it can do to repay ma for everythin' she ever did for me. She gave her whole life up for me, and while I'm makin' enough that ma only has to work her job at the Sunshine Diner instead of three whole ones like when I was younger, I don't feel like I'm doin' enough. I wanna give her the world that she opened up for me, and I want her to find someone that makes her happy. I can't even think of goin' off anywhere for college until I know she's taken care of. I'm hopin' with uncle Del back out of prison and workin' at the gas station again, I've been tryin' to encourage her to try datin' and spend more time on her hobbies, but she's so stubborn. I'm thinkin' of askin’ the Candies for help since they already hang around the diner and like my ma, and I honestly don't know what else to do at this point.”[/color][/indent][/indent] [center][color=0877c4]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/center] [center][h3]Details[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] social media handles[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”My Steam name is SulSulSulls because I was eight and thought I was funny for a summer. @Sul_Sul_Streams for Twitch and Discord, and @Do_It_Your_Sull on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter. My private socials for friends and family are all @Sullyboo_SMH.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] style [/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Oh it’s really just stuff from the thrift store. When you grow up scrapin’ by and do the shit I do with your clothes gettin’ dirty and torn all the time, you don’t really need much more. It’s practical t-shirts and jeans with a hoodie or button down and some sneakers or boots. I usually have my cap with me and the bill’s all frayed from how much I fiddle with it. I do have some nice things in my wardrobe thanks to Ramón’s intrusion of and personal offense taken to my closet, since the first time he came over after I helped build a set I think he almost set my shit on fire with a glance. But then he hates when I get his stuff dirty or torn so they just sit there until there’s a party or hangout he deems [i]safe for his art[/i] to be worn at.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] ride & everyday items[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Since Uncle Del was teachin’ me to drive before he got incarcerated again just before my sixteenth birthday, he just had the title for his truck transferred to me and when he got out he told me I could have it since he can walk to his job from the house. It’s a battered black 2008 Toyota Tacoma. I’m allowed to keep my spare toolbox in the maintenance closet so it doesn’t take up space in my locker, and since sometimes I’m workin’ after hours I got a few spare keys that’ve been signed out to me. I keep my wallet and multitool with me too. I’ve always got a couple boxes of cigarettes floatin’ around my bookbag, but I keep gum and some hard candy on me too so I don’t have to go disappearin’ for a smoke break all the time durin’ school. Like I said before I got my hat to fiddle with, but I've also got these [url=https://i.imgur.com/sB7yVt6.jpeg]sick pencils[/url] that I'm almost positive were a gag gift from Oli but honestly I love 'em. Pretty sure they help me think."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] occupation[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Casual gamin’ Streamer and TikTok Influencer.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] extracurricular activities[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”I co-host the Mornin’ Show with Rye Shomer and DJ Jones, though she’s behind the camera more often than she’s in front of it with us. I help the Drama club when they need sets built for their plays and if any other clubs need somethin’ made or fixed for them they just gotta ask me. Those are both part of my work scholarship though so I don’t really choose to do them so much as they’re requirements. It’s whatever, I made good friends out of it and I actually like when my schedule is full up, I just don’t like that I [i]have[/i] to do them to keep my place, you know? I’m technically part of the Craft club but I don’t always get the chance to go. When I’m makin’ videos or streamin’ I’m either at home or hangin’ with Oli or the other streamers. I have one proper work out a week as a part of my schedule, but I like to do more if I have time.”[/color][/indent][/indent] [center][color=0877c4]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/center] [center][h3]Questionnaire[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=0877c4]Friends would describe me as _______.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”A Mama’s boy that’s pretty thick skulled with anythin’ that doesn’t have to do with the workin’s and creations of inanimate objects. Too oblivious to be a proper ho. I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard variations of those words from my friends, which like? Okay, I guess it’s fair but I was never tryin’ to be a- whatever. Apparently I’ve got more personality when I’m filmin’ but when the camera’s off I’m mostly just existin’ in the same space as others and not payin’ much attention to what’s happenin’ around me.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]In my free time I like to _______.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”I hang around Sunshine Diner and spend time with my ma, then I tend to head over to the gas station to bring Uncle Del his dinner. I flip cars for extra income which is how AJ Tyler found and like…adopted me in his weird gearhead king way, called me [i]interestin’[/i] which I thought was an insult for a while, so what started as stoppin’ by his hang outs to update him on projects he was supportin’ or sponsorin’ became just hangin’ out with his crew in general. I don’t hang out all the time but I don’t feel left out when I am there. I have projects that I like to do that I don’t take video of because I just want to make somethin’ sometimes and not always explain it, so that’s when I get my chill time alone before anyone gets home.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]I would like to learn _______ in the next year.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”How to expand my fanbase and properly profit from my videos. AJ said he’d help me with my social media presence, he already gets on my ass any time postin’ and engagement starts to waver so he’s the guy for it if I just swallow my pride and ask. I’ve got a lot of people I could ask but since he’s already on top of my shit I figure I’d start there.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]This is how I define success and failure:[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”I mean, everyone’s definition is different so what does it really matter what my view of it is? Everyone has to find their own idea of it and act in their lives accordingly…I also don’t really know, myself, I feel like my definition is constantly shiftin’.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]I'm inspired by _______.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Are any of us surprised I’m sayin’ my ma? She got pregnant at nineteen and despite only havin uncle Del to support her she still decided to have me. Her love of upcyclin’ and showin’ me what she was doin’ got me interested in takin’ things apart and puttin’ them back together, findin’ new uses. When she and uncle Del saw how good I was they taught me safety lessons but didn’t hold me back, and ma did her best to give me everythin’ she never got. She’s been grindin’ every day for longer than I’ve been alive and no one could ever tell me she isn’t one of the most amazin’ mothers in the world.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]These songs are the soundtrack to my life:[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”I listen to a lot of Caravan Palace, OR3O, and the Beastie Boys. Aside from that though, there’s [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlXCUOlfOcE&ab_channel=Sannex]Other Side Of Paradise[/url] - Glass Animals, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WSl_b4Tbmw&ab_channel=KeithBarr]Back Against The Wall[/url] - Cage The Elephant, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj-VKqV-7Kg&ab_channel=riserecords]Burn Out Again[/url] - The Flatliners, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuRMF1CIl5c&ab_channel=NewMedicineRock]Fire Up The Night[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CzePtRS8Gg&ab_channel=itwuzthezebras1]Rich Kids[/url] - New Medicine, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRcERbDJg5w&ab_channel=TheCopperChildren-Topic]Colt 40 Five[/url] - The Copper Children, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tUCz3pTMvo&ab_channel=TheBallroomThieves]In The Mornin’[/url] - The Ballroom Thieves, and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC5JFXtlhtQ&ab_channel=JayEssCee]Smooth Sailin’[/url] - Mike Clark and the Sugar Sounds.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]My fondest memory as a child was _______.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”It was winter, I was nine, our heat was out and it was weirdly cold for the first time in years. I’d gotten sick the night before while ma and uncle Del were workin’ and when I woke up I was layin’ across their laps on the couch with a cold rag and blankets wrappin’ me up. Neither of them went to work and we spent the whole day watchin’ movies together and stayin’ warm, I would fall asleep and wake back up and they were always still there.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Kiddo, you have no idea what you’re gonna be in for in a few years. Strap in for the ride because rich kids are crazy.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]The things that make me smile are _______.[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”People commentin’ that they learned things from my videos, the look on my ma’s face when her idea is finally completed and sittin’ in front of her, video games, drive-ins, coffee and cigarettes while watchin’ the sun rise.”[/color][/indent] [sub][h3][color=0877c4]My whole life story in one sentence:[/color][/h3][/sub] [indent][color=c45508]”Uhh…found my trade and passion young and been lucky enough to benefit from it since with the support from my family and lately my friends.”[/color][/indent] [/indent] [center][color=0877c4]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=c45508]►[/color] extra information[/h3][/sub] [indent][list] [*]Font: Seattle Avenue [*]Mother is [color=0877c4]Darcie[/color], 37, and uncle is [color=60a4b0]Delaney[/color], 39 [*]Sully picked up streaming his video games, specifically simulation and non-competitive, in the winter of eighth grade after a parkour accident that led to a week-long coma. During his recovery he couldn’t do the strenuous tasks required for his DIY videos and he couldn’t do parkour any more for excess content, so he wandered into the streamer world and never fully left even when he was recovered. [*]He doesn’t like to talk about it, and discourages questions. He carries guilt because Darcie and Del took off work to take care of him around the clock and they almost lost the house before he begged them to go back to work. He struggled a lot during that time recovering from his brain fog and the physical therapy required to get his motor function and coordination back up to par. He’s also aware that he doesn’t exactly act the same as he used to and he misses that part of him that he can’t seem to remember. The medical bills he just recently paid off were the residuals from that time and the check ups since. [*]Been smoking from a young age and needs something in his hands or in his mouth at all times. Pencils, pens, lollipops, gum, toothpicks, it’s all fair game. The pencils he received from Oli came after he kept chewing the ends of his pencils up in front of the other boy. [/list][/indent] [/indent][/hider]