[center][color=#b3ccff][h2]Esben Mathiassen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Ithradine][@VitaVitaAR][@HereComesTheSnow][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Esben nodded once in response to the Viera calling him clever, maintaining his silence for the rest of the short trip to the inn. While he never focused much on her, he made sure that the shinobi never left his sight either; however Éliane had been recruited into the Garden's service away from her normal position, that still didn't mean she was the most familiar with their particular method of conduct, including what to watch out for in [i]others.[/i] He knew all the plans and tactics by heart, and knew that the shinobi would know much the same. He knew her eyes were remaining on him as much as his were on her, as well. [color=#b3ccff][i]Ah, I haven't had this much fun since I left home. Or is this[/i] forelsket?[/color] He quickly stepped aside from the others to put down his pack and check on his things; even without his eyes directly on any of the rest of the group, he could recognize the Viera's soft tread as she walked near the group, and shortly afterwards heard Robin's crisp footfalls as she made her way over to introduce herself. He glanced back up, making note of where the others were. Rudolf, watching the introduction with what Esben could only imagine was growing dread. Izayoi, further away securing their rooms; most of the others doing much as he was currently with their own belongings. A short flash of red hair bobbing in and out of his peripheral vision made it clear where Miina was off to his left. [color=#b3ccff][i]Good, all accounted for.[/i][/color] The shinobi's voice dropped to a nearly-inaudible hiss before she stepped away from Robin with her eyes drawn elsewhere, Rudolf's urgent steps filling in the gap. He looked back down at his pack, listening more closely—one step, two, three... Esben stepped backwards, arching his back to stretch, and collided directly with the Viera as she made to continue along. His rear foot tangled between her own set them both nearly stumbling to the floor before he quickly caught a chair with one hand, the other steadying the shinobi with a light hold on her arm. [color=#b3ccff]"Ah, sorry about that!"[/color] he apologised, a mildly sheepish smile on his face. As obvious as a trick as it would rapidly prove to the shinobi, and even some of his companions, any normal visitor to the inn would see nothing more than a sudden small accident. And of course, only the shinobi was close enough to see how the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. [color=#b3ccff][i]I know your game. Don't think I'll let you play with[/i] my [i]companions that easily.[/i][/color] He released his light grasp on her arm, offering his own to her instead. Ever the gentleman, and not bothering to hide it, unlike some others in the present company. [color=#b3ccff]"I [i]was[/i] hoping to get your attention after I finished checking my things, though, so this works nicely! Care to show me some of the local delicacies?"[/color]