It was at this point in time that time slowed to a crawl and the party's surroundings became blurred beyond recognition. Moments that felt like days passed as the blurry world slowly but surely shaped itself into an androgynous humanoid figure with icosahedral eyes. After what seemed like both an eternity and an instant, the figure spoke. "Enough of dreary gloom and dull repose, I bid that this display now come to end. The Master will not brook these bitter shows, Nor let monotony these moments bend. Rise, thou wilt, to joyous and vibrant hues, Transform this dismal day with splendid light. Let laughter bloom where silence did infuse, And banish every shadow from the night. O world, obey my sovereign, mighty call! For I, with boundless power, now decree, That mirth and merriment shall conquer all, And every heart be filled with jubilee. [color=gold][i][b]By my command, the tedium shall cease, Thus, let this realm rejoice in boundless peace.[/b][/i][/color]" Then everything went black. When the party regained their awareness, they did so slumped over a long line of tables and surrounded by a cheering crowd of tavern goers with Max, Gorgash, and his dire wolf nowhere to be found. Apparently, they had just participated in a drinking contest. And for holding their own for as long as they did, they had earned a night's room and board on the house.