[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/aef3087a-5b67-4c7a-b700-3c45c3052f60.png[/img] [color=tomato]"Wow! Feels like I missed 7 months of school!”[/color] [color=888888]— Suki Oyama[/color][/center] Few things were certain in a magical girl’s life. Going to school was one of them. If only for the occasional meetup with the rest of the detention club. It was hard to tell where the time went. One moment you were meeting up with everyone in the club room, by the next you were nearing the end of the first school term. Where had the time gone? Suki was sure it was fall or spring just a moment ago, and now they were half way through June. Once July was over, they’d have a quick summer break before classes started up again. It wasn’t like Suki could complain. There was so much drudgery between school and everything else that she wouldn’t say no to a vacation. Of course, she’d probably end up taking a summer job, but that was neither here nor there. Regardless if she had time off or not, everyone was going to be in swimsuits. When everyone was in swimsuits, everyone was a winner. She could practically see it now… But she would have time to enjoy the real thing when it rolled around. Right now were far more pressing matters, and Suki needed to talk about them. Boss baby was a no go, as she left school early to tend to the family pyre. Bast was equally predisposed. The girl had a way of getting confused by the most ordinary of situations. Wet-Works and Chess-Nut had been absent for a while. They weren’t locals, so it was hard to be surprised by this. They’d drop by again. Eyeball and Multi-Face were always up to something, and she never felt super secure around them. Even if Eyeball was the first detention club girl she kissed and Multi-Face was oddly clingy. This meant she would have to seek help from Rainbow, Nyx, and Bedshaker. Bedshaker was not really ideal, but she was pretty much a package deal with Nyx. Rainbow on the other hand had always been there for her and was a great partner, so including her in this emergency meeting was essential. Not only that, but it made her feel a little safer when Bedshaker was around. The detention club didn’t typically do after school activities, not right after the school closed at least. But for what Suki needed, now was the best time to get everyone together. But she couldn’t just stand out in the open. What if Bedshaker came first? So she laid under the table. It wasn’t a great hiding spot, but maybe Bedshaker wouldn’t notice initially? It wasn't like she had been smoking.