[img]https://i.imgur.com/6MTFNVF.png[/img] [i] [b]Name[/b]: Irawan [b]Alias(es)[/b]: Ira [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Hair[/b]: Black [b]Eyes[/b]: Green [b]Skin[/b]: Brown/Hispanic [b]Height:[/b] 3 foot [b]Distinctive Features[/b]: Sharp, pointed nose. Eyes sometimes glow [b]Likes[/b]: Theiving, rabblerousing [b]Dislikes[/b]: The pigs [b]Appearance[/b]: Fairly normal, Irawan is barely three feet tall, giving him a small and unassuming frame that keeps most people from being intimidated by him, or taking him seriously in the first place. Slender, but strong, Irawan is barely noticeable by the people around him most of the time. [b]Personality[/b]: Easy going, fun loving - never far from trouble, but always maintaining innocence. [b]Powers, Skills, and Abilities[/b]: Theivery: Irawan is a skiled thief, in basically every sense of the word. Knives: Irawan is a master of knives. Invisibility: Irawan can camoflauge himself nearly perfectly. Speed/Deftness: Irawan is fast and accurate [b]Equipment[/b]: Backpack: A container filled with odds and ends needed from day to day. Lockpicks, data-miners, hacking tools and theives tools of various kinds. As well as additional rations and magazines for his silenced pistol kept on his hip. [b]Your Last Memory[/b]: Attempting to rob a major player in a mob organization, not really sure what happened before that - or what's going on after that. Woke up here. [b]Additional Plot Hooks[/b]: Irawan is the rich son of a cartel lord back home, but doesn't really care for the family business and instead chose to hone his rogueish skills to make a name for himself across the world.[/i]