[b]Name:[/b] Halima Jaiteh [b]Alias(es):[/b] Hali, Libertine, Psycho Woman, East Street Butcher [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" (188 cm) [b]Distinctive Features:[/b] Large red earrings, green-dyed hair, partial black carapace often growing across her face. You can’t miss her. [b]Likes:[/b] machines, weapons, spicy food, high-collared jackets, city smells, dogs, heavy rain. [b]Dislikes:[/b] dust, grit, needles, intense sunlight, people. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6f/a9/53/6fa953a2716b55998e061789a1414791.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] A looming monster in feminine form. Wide mouth, sharp teeth, eyes that look at you like she might bite your head off at any moment. The hair dye and flashy accessories point to someone trying to build a reputation, and her outfits seem chosen as much for menace as they are for taking a beating. For someone her size, though, she moves so fluidly that she has to be packing serious muscle underneath all that warning black-and-red. A careful touch of lipstick and eyeshadow lend her just a hint of allure, in sharp contrast to the overt aggression she displays everywhere else. [b]Personality:[/b] Outgoing, congenial, and quick to get along with just about anyone who’ll tolerate her presence. She’s no silver-tongued manipulator, but her confident, relaxed attitude lends her a certain breezy charisma, the kind that lets her slip into the flow of a conversation and ride it like a fish swimming downriver. She makes no overt judgements, and she has no morals to speak of: any business is good business, so long as it pays well and doesn’t mess with her personal notoriety. Most of the time, she’s the muscle, and that suits her just fine. Only problem is the rumors. Stories that follow her around like the scent of blood, about cases of unprofessional conduct, times she went above and beyond the requirements of the job. We said to rough the guy up; we never said anything about his kids. Or, we just wanted that one disposed of, not hog-tied and eaten alive by starving dogs. If you ever ask Halima about these incidents, she’ll only laugh them all off as hearsay and exaggeration, albeit with a smile more genuine than any other you’ll see her wear. [b]Powers, Skills, and Abilities:[/b] They say the supersoldier genes come from her father’s side, though when someone’s exposed to that much radiation from birth all kinds of weird mutations are bound to crop up. Halima’s reaction times are scarily fast, and she’s strong enough to casually pick up a grown man and hurl him across a room one-handed. She has little formal combat training, but her manual dexterity and coordination is exceptional to the point where she can pick up almost any kind of weapon and immediately use it with lethal efficacy. Even under frantic and low-visibility conditions, her pinpoint accuracy with firearms and thrown objects defies belief, and if she’s given time to actually practice with a given implement she’ll rapidly surpass the boundaries of human technique and achieve unnatural feats of laser-precise violence. Her biggest asset, however, is her seeming inability to just fucking die. Sheer toughness, biological redundancy, and the ability to override her own pain responses are all part of it, but mainly it’s because of the ultra-hard carapace that grows across her skin in the blink of an eye to guard any point under threat, before merging again with her flesh once the job is done. She can control its emergence to some extent, but for the most part it happens automatically, either in response to physical trauma or to reflexively guard against it. [b]Equipment:[/b] [u]- Julong Model 21 “Valentine”[/u]: A weighty handgun with a kick to match its impressive stopping power. This model in particular stands out for its unique sound, which at a distance rings out more like a crash or a thunderclap than a gunshot. [u]Nanofilament rounds[/u]: Specialized bullets that explosively unfold on impact into tangles of microscopic wire. The filaments are thinner than a razor edge, but possess incredible tensile strength, and a direct hit from one of these rounds will shred all but the toughest of materials. Their deadly effectiveness makes them very expensive, however, and Hali uses them sparingly. [u]EMP Jammer[/u]: A handheld device consisting mainly of a powerful battery hooked up to a specialized high-voltage ignition coil. Push the button, and it lets off a pulse powerful enough to briefly disable most electronics within a range of about fifty feet. The effect becomes more reliable and longer-lasting at closer ranges, and can permanently take out a device if delivered point-blank. [u]Hammers[/u]: Completely ordinary hammers made for DIY engineering projects. Hali is fond of these, and has accumulated a whole collection of different kinds, though for practical reasons she doesn’t carry them all around at once. [u]Ax[/u]: Heavy-duty flathead fire ax. [b]Your Last Memory:[/b] Tossing a weighted black bag into a river, and watching with satisfaction as it sank into the murk. [b]Additional Plot Hooks:[/b] She’s still trying to work out who created her father, or if the fucker’s even still alive.