Hahaha, same brain moment
Uhhh, this is hard because I don't really want the hero and villain to have the same powers? I feel like they should clash more! Not necessarily opposites (nature vs tech) but something a little more umph, if you know what I mean?

[@JewelSerket] The scope of powers can honestly be as wide as Marvel, where you literally have omnipotent figures, though when I use god-like abilities, I tend to pile on weaknesses to balance it out and generally just have my ways of keeping op from actually being op. I honestly love the concept of a hero feeling the need to feed into the hypermasculinity of big-time classic heroes? It hints at a lot of personal struggle for the hero that Li can maybe help him work through! I'm interested in this body horror concept too, since I see this being a bit like the X-Men in a way were metahumans can have various physical mutations that may or may not go along with their powers!

[@Crimson Flame] Professor Oak is a really well-written character and I love his story. I'll keep you and him in consideration for the villain role. For now I wanna see what other bites I can get! I can definitely see Li having a lot of fun with him, and he definitely fills the chaotic role I was imagining for the villain side of the relationship that I know Li would love!

In case y'all want a feel for the reporter character, Lilian, or Li (lee) as he usually goes by, here he be:

[hider=The name Li literally comes from "love interest" hahaha]
[center][b]Lilian Maurice Amie[/b]
[i]Li, Li-li, [s]Lilly[/s], [s]Shorty[/s], [s]Shrimp[/s], [s]Tiny[/s], [s]Grumpy[/s][/i]
BIRTHDAY: April 6th || Age: 25
SEX: M || GENDER: Male || PRONOUN(S): He
HEIGHT: 4'10" || WEIGHT: 92 lbs || BLOOD TYPE: AB-
ORIENTATION: Demisexual - Demiromantic - Polyamorous
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

Lilian Aime is a man who, despite his age, constantly finds himself "carded" when trying to purchase alcohol or tickets to an R-Rated film. His soft, round face is framed by silken locks of light, ginger-brown, while his eyes are a striking and often unsettling shade of scarlet. Faint freckles speckle his fair skin, resting mainly in the central are of his face across his nose and cheeks, with a few darker ones scattered across his body, including one obviously one on the back of his right wrist. In the eyes of most, he seems to suffer from a bit of "resting bitch face", more often seen to be scowling than smiling, however, he has no trouble expressing other emotions, and in certain situations can actually be found holding a well enough smile.

Li is...extremely blunt, and typically very serious. He's not a man who jokes around often. At least, not unless it's some kind of snark-infused attack on someone he finds annoying. A teaser, Lilian seems to find a certain rather sadistic enjoyment in messing with peoples' minds and tearing them down through the use of clever wording and jabs at rather sensitive topics. A bit cruel, he doesn't ever show much remorse for his insensitive behavior, seeming to have little care for others, and only really looking out for himself. He's a very work-driven man, focusing on his own goals and knocking down anyone who stands in his way. He goes to great lengths to achieve, and can be ridiculously stubborn, and just a bit insanely reckless, to the point of throwing himself into the middle of a battle to get what he wants. It really is true. On the surface, Lilian Aime is nothing but a sassy, egocentric, asshole who cares only about his next paycheck and whether or not he can get that milkshake for free if he reports finding a hair in it. The full truth is, however, most of this is simply a mask, a role that Li hides behind. Deep down, Li can actually be quite sweet, and if one manages to get past his walls, they just might find a dorky little cuddle bug who just wants to be held forever more.

Despite his odd eye color, Li does not possess any metahuman abilities so far as doctors or any other specialists can tell. However, regardless, Li holds more strength than most would think. Intelligent and sharp-minded, Lilian is an expert at problem solving, and often very skilled at picking up on subtle clues and hints, as well as being able to tell when someone may be lying or trying to hide something. Built small and light, he's quite fast when he needs to be, and finds ease in hiding, being able to squeeze into places that most people wouldn't think to look. A moderate skill in free running also comes to use quite often for his particular lifestyle, allowing him to get to places most can't reach, using his parkour elements to move about without relying on obvious paths. He's a master photographer and cameraman, and an excellent actor as well which helps him to put on a smile when interviewing people for his articles. With that, he as well is a truly terrific writer, and doesn't stick just to news and pop culture, actually having a few personal novels in the works, one of which he's even managed to get published under a pseudonym of Lee Amberly.

Though he tries to use it as a strength, in most senses, Lilian's size is a great disadvantage to him. From not being able to reach most things, to being very easily restrained and overpowered through strength. He's a prime target for kidnapping, and general hostage situations, and fast and agile as he is, it really doesn't take much for one to simply be faster and more agile than he is. Li is by all definition malnourished. Due to poor funds and high expenses, he's really only just barely making by, and really only just lucky to not be living on the streets. Suffice is to say, his small size isn't only accounted to genes. Because of this lack of nutrition, Lilian's immune system is a complete disaster, and he's more often sick than not, having some level of a cold at least three days out of the week. As well, he's typically very low on energy, and tends to get light headed easily. Not to mention a slight case of narcolepsy, which leaves him passing out entirely throughout the day, sometimes in the worst places, typically when he's in a moving vehicle or-- on the very rare chance-- being carried. He has severe allergies to aspirin and acetaminophen, as well as iodine dye and many other medicines and medical compounds. In addition, he has a serious fear of heights he often tries to ignore, inevitably getting himself stuck up in high and hard to reach places, an event which occurs especially often whenever thunder is present. He also has more minor fears of darkness and shadows, and of larger canines and most arachnids and insects. But his biggest fears of all? Abandonment, and being left alone and forgotten. That and dying alone. The mere thought of being left dead with no one to find him and remember him shakes him horribly and sends him into some seriously dark episodes.

Lilian was born and raised in the Quebec providence of Canada, but he doesn't really share much beyond that. He states that he had a normal and fair upbringing, being raised in a bilingual household of French and English with his older brother and two younger sisters. He had a best friend whom he practically grew up with, the two of them being as close as family, and both having a strong fascination with a former hero by the name of Trueheart. Unfortunately, around the time of Trueheart's abandonment of his hero title, Li and his friend had a falling out, and it wasn't long after that that Li found himself more or less alone. After his graduation from college, with his brother long gone and lost to a villain and his sisters gone off to make a fashion empire in Paris, Li chose to move south, and eventually found himself in Wilacrik. He found a cheap apartment and got himself a job with the local paper thanks to his interning references from back home, and that's really all there is to his story. At least...it's all he's ever told...[/center]