[h1]Ruined Inn[/h1]


Before I could even think about the answers I was being given, the elf(or rather the other elf I guess, given that's what I am now too) kneels down in front of me.

What is he doing? Why is he talking like that?

It's this sort of pleasant, calming voice. I can't deny it's not a little bit relaxing, kind of like listening to some really easygoing narration or something like that, but what's the deal?

Why would he---


Oh [i]no[/i].

As he speaks, the realization hits me square in the chest.

[i]He thinks I'm a child.[/i]


Ah, this body... okay, it's not like this body isn't small and cute and petite but I probably haven't even ended up as a child, right?!

The sudden doubt in my heart of that assertion doesn't make the situation feel any better. Neither does the pounding. I'd already seen the shambling figures outside, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on.

I press my hand to my chest. My heart is pounding, I can feel it through my fingertips.

I take a deep breath.

"Firstly---Do I seriously look like a child to you?!"

It comes out angrier then I'd intended, but I guess it's impossible to hold the indignation back.

I can only imagine this feeling is the very same as the elf mage I adored from my favorite light novel when a similar mistake was made about her age.

"Secondly---I was on a plane too. So I wasn't the only one, then."

I let out another sigh, pressing two fingers to the side of my head as I glance towards the window. The move with the mirror was pretty smart, it seemed like the undead out there were drawn to sound. At least he's not completely dense.

"Then this really is an isekai situation," I continue, taking a step forward, "I'm guessing we all experienced that plane crash, even if some of us were lucky enough to sleep through it."

I glance towards the girl with the hammer and the white robes and armor. I guess if you had to die in a plane crash, sleeping through it successfully was the best way to do it.

Hopefully this didn't mean anything about her usual level of attentiveness.

"We've all been reborn as new people in another world," I add, deciding not to elaborate on the details of my personal situation, "And unfortunately it looks like we're surrounded by undead, because it couldn't just be easy."

It looks like some sort of battle took place here. The barricades, the damage to the surrounding buildings, this isn't just an abandoned town.

Did whatever deity that managed this transition have a sick sense of humor, or are we meant to do something here? Or was it left to chance?

Either way, I know we have to move quickly.

"In any case, we'd be idiots not to stick together, and I certainly hope none of you are [i]that[/i] stupid," I say, down at myself briefly again. Hearing myself talk in this cute new voice is awkward, and reminding myself of my new outfit and body is even more so. My hands are just so delicate-looking...

I never thought I'd be thankful for a life or death situation, but it's helping keep my mind off my new form a little.

"You said you found that hammer sitting in your room?" I ask, addressing the girl in the armor with the robe, "Everyone should go back and check their rooms one more time if you haven't already, then. There might be some more supplies there."

If she had a weapon, then maybe---

This is a mage's outfit, right? I was freaking out pretty badly when I first woke up, so I hadn't thought to look around that much.

I turn and step back into my room.

Leaning against the wall near the door is a curved black and gold object, one tip decorated with what almost looked like an abstract horse's head, the other simply terminating in a point.

It's not exactly hard to guess that it's a staff.

I might have no idea how to use it, but---

It's better than nothing.

I always liked playing a mage.

[@RolePlayerRoxas][@Aku the Samurai][@SilverPaw][@PKMNB0Y]