[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center] Mentions: [@Psyker Landshark], [@Ithradine][hr] Somehow they'd made it past the gates of Kugane without being carted off or recognized. It seemed at the very least the shinobi was a woman of her word. Galahad had never been to Kugane before, his father had oft spoken about how they were going to march into the city and raze it by the end of the war, but such a thing never happened, thankfully. Even under Valheim occupation, the city held a character and charm unlike any city in Edren he'd see before. The streets were smaller and more crampt, and Valheim soldiers stalked the street, but the city still held awe in Galahad's eyes. However, they had not come to Kugane to sight see. Their guide had shown them to a rather discreet and nondescript abode. There, they were greeted by the Faye Ciradyl, or more specifically, Izayoi was, the two sharing an embrace before she acknowledged the rest of them. Old friends indeed, Galahad couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at how warm Izayoi's reception home was, at least compared to his own. His face remained still as he and the rest of the party filtered into the room. As he set leaned his covered halberd against the wall and gingerly set his helmet down on the table, Galahad caught Izayoi's eye, and the simple nod that followed. Best to get things started then. [color=lightblue]"Lady Ciradyl, thank you for your hospitality."[/color] Galahad said softly as he took a seat and pulled back his cloak, his hair well maintained despite their dusty travel conditions. [color=lightblue]Getting us into Kugane alone was incredibly gracious. In time, hopefully we are able to be repay your kindness."[/color] [color=lightblue]"As Miss Chisaki has said, we are Team Kirin, one of four groups tasked with putting a stop to the Blight."[/color] Galahad continued, his tone even and polite, pausing to take a sip of the tea that had been poured for them. Bergamot tea was not exactly a Edren drink of choice, but he supposed it tasted fine enough. [color=lightblue]"Though, if you knew of us, I suppose it's safe to assume that you were already aware of our objective as well."[/color] Galahad was unsure why they were summoned here, though he had a sinking suspicion it wasn't just so Izayoi could have tea with an old friend. More likely than not, the Faye would have something for them, if she would give it to them by virtue of her relationship with Izayoi, or require a task of them in return remained to be seen. [color=lightblue]"It seems you are already well acquainted with Izayoi."[/color] The dragoon said with a slight nod, [color=lightblue]"My name is Galahad."[/color] he said simply, with a formal dip of his head, opting to omit his family name as well this time. [color=lightblue]"How may we be of service?" [/color]