[center][h2][b][u]Anya Crescent[/u][/b][/h2][/center]
[center][h2][u]Forest Shrine[/u][/h2][/center]
[i]Is this it?

Is this [b]really[/b] it?

Fire.  Pain.  The nightmarish sounds of screaming and twisted metal.  This is really it, isn't it?  This hell is how it all ends, isn't it?

It just figures how unfair it is.  How cruel and painful it is.  How completely [b]pointless[/b] it is.  It's not right.  This wasn't supposed to happen.  After all, I never...

I never got the chance to...[/i]


Compared to that nightmare, the pain that woke her up was completely insignificant.  She opened her eyes slowly, initially only able to make out a bunch of blurry green blobs around her, her eyes taking their time to adjust to the light as she raised a stubby little hand to rub the sleep out of them.

...Stubby?  [i]Little?[/i]  Were they always like... Yes, yes of course they were, it would be silly if her hands weren't [i]her[/i] hands after all, so they must have.

Minor existential quandaries about limb size aside, her eyes were finally getting used to the light, and the green blobs were focusing into more coherent shapes, like trees, and grass, and bo-


Was that a [i]goblin[/i] poking her?

Of... Of course it was.  She could trust her own eyes, and if a shortstacked green girl was poking her cheek, then it only made sense they were a goblin.  Why should she overreact to this?  Goblins couldn't be anything weird if one of them was trying to wake her up.  Groggily, she sat up and rubbed her temple.

"Uuugh... My head hurts..."
