[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/626e6295-e0f1-4bb3-a2fc-2a80907e597a.png [/img][/center] [color=5486ae]Time:[/color] Evening [color=5486ae]Location:[/color] Edge of Lover's Lake [color=5486ae]Interactions:[/color] Torvi/Mina [@Tae], Roman [@ReusableSword], Anatasia [color=5486ae]Mentions:[/color][hr] [color=9e0b0f]"Of course nothing goes smoothly."[/color] Without a beat, Frederick swung his hand on the back of Anastasia's head, strong but with tempered measure, very forcefully make her go as gently as possible into the dreamland. [color=5486ae]"Wait, that's the princess."[/color] John just realized who their target was, as she fell on his arm unconscious. It sent a cold up his throat. [color=9e0b0f]"That's why I acted. She does not need to know."[/color] Frederick cracked his knuckles. [color=9e0b0f]"We've seen enough. Let's move."[/color] He did not hesitate to dash in already, not even waiting for John's readiness or observation. He was a military man, he trusted John to be right behind him with his syringes at the ready. When John and Frederick emerged clear from the forest, entering the fight with Roman from the side, with Farim at one end and Torvi on a tug of war with him. They did not stop to consider what Torvi seemed to be doing, they jumped straight on Roman one at a time, who seemed to be more than distracted at the sight in front of him. Frederick was first, he stomped on Roman's knee joint from behind, then he would slam his fist on the back of his head. If it knocked him out here, all the merrier. John is right behind him, ready to detoxify him.